Paavo Hukkinen

Young advertising executive Vatanen suddenly quits his job and his whole life in Helsinki, and decides to spend a while in the Finnish wilderness. A wounded hare hit by a car becomes his travel companion. Together they find reclusion in the Finnish Lapland, soon to be disturbed by a noisy group of foreign tourists and their pretentious Finnish hosts. When the hare gets ill and needs to see a vet, Vatanen must return to the city and finally face the choice between his new and former life


When Continuation War started in Summer 1941, German soldiers arrived to Oulu. With their charm they conquered women and town boys. Finnish boys communicated with them on many levels: had trades, worked as interpreters, rotated business, spied on German love adventures and fought with each other about the favor of soldiers. In autumn 1944, the war was ending. Germans left Oulu by leaving behind fragile relationships, bastard kids and unfinished businesses. The most shocking of all was the faith of young Jake...


The prequel, Komisario Palmun erehdys (1960), was a huge success, but its producer T.J. Särkkä forgot to reserve the filming rights of Mika Waltari's other Palmu-novel "Kuka murhasi rouva Skrofin". Mauno Mäkelä bought the rights and Kaasua, komisario Palmu (1961) was filmed under Fennada-Filmi.


A closed room mystery begins when an infamous tycoon is found dead in his bath tub. The famous police lieutenant Palmu is summoned to investigate.


An uptight all-girl school teacher Leena Kataja stumbles upon a handsome artist Pertti Rinne who paints her face on a nude portrait, much to her chagrin. She is intent on keeping the painting out of circulation by stealing it from an art gallery, but the aftermath turns out to be more complex than she anticipated, leading Leena to become involved in various misunderstandings featuring a gang of criminals, inept cops and false murder charges among other things.


For six hundred years Sweden had controlled most of Finland until the war with Russia that ended in 1809, when Finland became a Grand Duchy of the Russian Czar. This period drama is set during that early 19th-century war and focuses on one of its heroes, Sven Tuuva. Sven is a decent yet not too brilliant soldier, and his exploits are partly balanced here by the charms of a compatriot. With plenty of action and humor throughout, this effective drama should entertain most audiences.


A Bergmanesque triangle drama. After a weekend of dancing and camping on a recreation island near the city, a young factory worker decides to stay and cut work for a day. Walking around the now deserted island, he meets a beautiful woman camping alone and sunbathing in the nude on the beach. A hot romance flares up between the worker and the more upper-class married lady, lasting through the light-filled nights of the whole summer week until the woman's much older husband returns to the island the next weekend.


Tom Mack falls in love with a fashion designer Leila Castle. Romance develops, with a little diamond smuggling to keep things interesting.


Åke Strandberg has managed to get a fine education and a good job at the bank, but he wants more. He wants to get rich no matter what. After holidays with his girl Rita, he comes back to Helsinki completely broke and meets up with his buddy Jussi in a bar. For months they embezzle money from the bank, but eventually do realize they have to cover the missing amount by orchestrating and committing a robbery which will then rouse the interest of the police. A hide and seek follows as they try to make their way abroad.
