Paavo Piskonen

A Finnish film version of Macbeth. Macbeth, the Thane of Glamis, receives a prophecy from a trio of witches that one day he will become King of Scotland. Consumed by ambition and spurred to action by his wife, Macbeth murders his king and takes the throne for himself.


Finnish film from 1986.


Calamari Union is an allegorical movie that tells the story of sixteen men all of whom are called Frank (inspired by Frank Armoton) apart from a single confrere, Pekka. Collectively the Franks and Pekka are unhappy with the perceived oppression they face in their district of Helsinki, Kallio, and decide to move to another, Eira, imagining it to be an unspoiled place where people can live lives of dignity. The journey is an ironic one given that both districts are not so far apart. In this spirit, their journey across the city takes on epic proportions with each of the travellers gradually falling by the wayside due to such travails as marriage, work, and death. In its entirety the film is a wry discussion of humanity within a system that regards humans as subservient components.


Anssi Mänttäri’s low-budget movies with their intimate content have become classics. In this black comedy that takes place in Helsinki in summer the main character (played by Mänttäri himself) jumps from one bar and bed to the next. Especially vulgar black humour.


A man fakes his own suicide in order to see how his close ones react


A group of three male friends with domestic problems behave badly.


Three old men escape from the hospital and travel to Turku in search of one of the mens daughter


A criminal, his friend and his former girlfriend find their lives intertwining with each other.


Gravity researcher Erik Rankamaa has died in 1970 in his prime. He's been deep frozen and gets defrosted in 1999, while people of his time are still alive.


Finland in the late 1950s. A touring theatre company travels the countryside and play English light comedies. But the audience fails.
