Pablo Brichta

The "Brigade 24" is a space that no one chooses to inhabit, that is where police officers who have committed some crime or must purge some "unspeakable sin" are sent, those who violate the code of the force. Those serving their sentence are reinstated to active duty; however, there are others who, for different reasons, never leave that “banishment” until the long-awaited retirement arrives.


Borges falls in love with Beatriz Viterbo, a high-class young woman, who decides to marry a government official who makes Borges strongly suspect him, speculating that he is a sadist who is slowly poisoning Beatriz. To save Beatriz Borges, he decides to turn to a detective, who becomes the hinge of an unthinkable story.

Roberto is an insurance salesman who dreams of writing his own novel. When he meets Estela, a young woman about to commit suicide, it serves him as material to make this work.


This action film dramatizes the military regime of Argentina who were responsible for the cruel violence and oppression of the so-called "missing" people.


Three stories based on tales of the book by Manuel Mujica Lainez, ("El hambre", "La pulsera de cascabeles" y "El salón dorado".).) On scripts for the directors themselves and the collaboration of Ernesto Schoo.


A plague ravages Buenos Aires. Those affected by it are executed on the spot; those who are healthy should report to the authorities. Escaping both from the authorities and from the disease, seven survivors head south.


When he discovers that his teenage daughter is pregnant, Julio Cesar understands that it is time to change your destiny, stop driving his taxi and assume his vocation as a Tarot reader.
