Park Mi-sun

My Fantasy House is the first ‘residential check’ reality program in Korea where the cast gets to live in their dream houses. The show’s pilot episode received positive reviews as it made the viewers rethink the meaning of ‘home’ as the cast connected with their fantasy house.

Jeong Min is your typical music nerd. Give him a guitar and he will be able to make any song you want. He’s a singer-songwriter who dreams to become a famous musician. However, after embarrassing himself in front of his first love, he developed stage fright. Na Ra is a member of a failed girl group. In her heyday, she was known for her beautiful looks. Now, she wishes she could disappear. To Jeong Min, Just looking at Na Ra makes his heart stop. Just hearing her voice makes his heart beat out of his chest. The fact that she’s standing in front of him seems like a lie. Although he never had the courage to say hello, he has never forgotten the girl who is his first love. It wasn’t anything fancy, but just as all first loves are, she was an image burrowed into his mind and his heart for the past 10 years. Now that Na Ra is standing in front of him, will he be able to muster up the courage to speak with her? Will he be able to fulfill his young dream of singing with her in harmony?


The story of the relationship between two families, based on the traditional Korean Cinderella folktale about Kongji and Patji. The Kongji family is poor but kind, while the Patji family is rich but selfish.


《태희 혜교 지현이》는 2009년 3월 2일부터 2009년 9월 4일까지 방영된 문화방송의 텔레비전 시트콤이다. 수도권 소도시 중산층 아파트에서 같은 또래의 자녀들을 키우며 친구로 지내온 30대 후반 ~ 40대 초반 여자들이 최근의 경제 위기를 맞아 어려움을 겪으면서도 서로 믿고 의지하며 열심히 살아가는 일상 속에서 삶의 보람, 꿈과 희망을 찾는 내용을 다루었다. 또한, 이 프로그램의 제목은 한국인 여자 이름 중에 태희, 혜교, 지현이라는 이름을 가진 사람이 의외로 많다는 점에서 착안하였으며, 특정 연예인]의 이름을 지칭하고자 한 것은 아니다.

Happy Together is a Korean entertainment talk show.
