Patrice Godin

Diane Messier lives on a farm in the Eastern Townships, near the American border, with her daughter Sarah and her two sisters, Carmen and Julie. Following a tragic accident, Diane feels constantly threatened and even believes her house is haunted. Worried by her daughter's actions, Angèle returns from Florida to bring comfort to Diane and try to reunite the family clan.

At 53, Anémone learns that she suffers from early Alzheimer's. The life she chose, to forget the first, is about to switch ... For, almost 30 years ago, Anémone, who was then called Manon, had to leave a life of violence, leaving behind her three young children. Fortunately, Lise, a kind-hearted lady, welcomed her with open arms into her home, which at the time housed women in difficulty in the small municipality of Belleville. Under a new identity and in this other life that she was built, Anémone, now thanatopracticer, flows for happier days surrounded by her children from a second union: Karla, the eldest back home, Simon, a young father who inherited his father's renovation business, and Olivia, his adopted youngest daughter who follows in his footsteps. At the announcement of the diagnostic hereditary potential, the old life of Anémone, unknown to all his relatives, comes to haunt her again. Will she have the strength and the courage to find her first children, Caroline, Sebastien and Jean-Olivier, before completely forgetting them? What will have been the fate of these children raised by Ronald and his own mother in difficult conditions? And most importantly, how will they react the day they learn that Manon is still alive? Anémone will then have to give an account ... In addition to coping with her diagnosis, Anémone meets the new director of the funeral home for which she works, Vincent, a mysterious man who observes relentlessly and with whom she will develop a troubling relationship. But what is Vincent looking for? Would he hide, too ... Another story?

A journey into the heart of a 13-year-old girl diagnosed with leukemia. Far from being overwhelmed, she discovers rather an impressive force of character that helps her fight her illness.


Justine Laurier, an ex-Canadian soldier, just inherited her father's shares of Blue Moon, a security company that carries out sensitive operations for the Canadian government. While Justine discovers what Blue Moon is all about, she receives troubling information regarding the death of her father. Alone, she must find the truth in a universe of lies.


Tim is a bit of a loner. At school he gravitates towards another shy boy and they become friends. But the verbal and physical bullying by a gang of kids, as well as an aggressive use of social media, unsettle Tim’s new mate and he backs away from him – an act of cowardice which will have serious repercussions. As a result of Tim’s unwillingness to snitch, the bullies appear to get away with their actions, none more so than the gang’s leader Jeff. He’s one of the school’s star athletes, who seems guaranteed a place in the national championships with an 800m time of 1.54 minutes. When Tim decides to start training in order to go up against Jeff, even having a girlfriend as cover, his enemies seem willing to go to any lengths to stop him.


It’s 1993, and Paloma Luisa Marquez Hermosa is on top of the world. Originally from Columbia, she now heads a very discreet – and very efficient – criminal organization that smuggles cocaine into Montreal and launders drug money. Nicknamed the “Cali Cartel Godmother”, she stops at nothing to provide for her family. But Paloma eventually becomes the target of Paul Généreux, an honest cop who’s determined to destroy her organization – until his investigation turns into a tangled web of corruption that reaches the upper echelons of the police force.


A famous novelist invites five friends for dinner. He prepared everything: good wine, small presents for everyone, a good meal and... his suicide as dessert.


Amid the low-rent neighborhoods of Montreal, the true nature of a career criminal is slowly unveiled. BenoÎt is a car thief perpetually running from the police, his family, his ex-lovers, and a 14-year-old hood who badly needs a father figure. But after he falls for the lovely Sylvie while trying to boost her car, can BenoÎt commit to turning his life around?


Destinées revolves around clinique Jouvence, a cosmetics and health clinic offering a variety of treatments ranging from massage to cosmetic surgery.

Claude and Martin, two police inspectors, arrest Philippe, a withdrawn young man, and question him about the murder of his father.

Providence is a Canadian French language drama television series which aired on Radio-Canada since January 4, 2005.


A strike at a sawmill in a small Canadian town puts Steph and Piston out of work. They want to resurrect their band but Marie-Lou, Piston's ex-wife and the band's former lead singer is not enthusiastic about the idea. Meanwhile Steph is having realtionship trouble with Rose, an older woman that he's been seeing and drifts first to Marie-Lou and then to Charles, who once left town but is now back.


Robert Lepage directed this Canadian comedy, filmed in black and white and color and adapted from Lepage's play The Seven Branches of the River Ota. In October 1970, Montreal actress Sophie (Anne-Marie Cadieux) appears in a Feydeau farce at the Osaka World's Fair. Back in Montreal, her boyfriend Michel (Alexis Martin) watches the October Crisis on TV and sees Canadian Prime Minister Trudeau declare the War Measures Act. The Canadian Army patrols Montreal streets. Sophie learns she's pregnant and phones Michel. However, Michel is immersed in politics, while Sophie rejects the amorous advances of her co-star (Eric Bernier), becomes friendly with a blind translator, and passes an evening with frivolous Canadian embassy official Walter (Richard Frechette) and his wife Patricia (Marie Gignac). Meanwhile, in Montreal, Michael plots terrorist activities. Commenting on East-West cultural distinctions, the film intercuts between Quebec (in black and white) and Japan (in color).


In this Canadian psychological drama a repressed young man struggles with his phobia of sex. It began when he was a sensitive 11-year old awakened in the night by the sound of his parents making love. Not understanding the nature of the groans, he peeks in and is horrified by the sight. Things get worse the next day when he and his mother discover that daddy died in his sleep that night. The boy, confused by it all deduces that it was the sex-act that killed his father and so refuses to mature so he will never have to die. This goes on several years and for some reason his mother doesn't seem to mind. Things seem okay until his mom's new boy friend moves in. The teen and the lover constantly fight. Late at night, the boy begins spying on his mother and the man and in so doing comes to realize that sex is not as deadly as it seemed. Once this light dawns, the boy is able to grow up and become normal.
