Patrick Biesemans

A scientist uses groundbreaking technology to communicate with the deceased but once he is through the looking glass, there is no turning back.

Embers and Dust focuses on the perspective of a young farm boy and his family, and how the night of Orson Welles' dramatic broadcast of War of The Worlds unfolded for them.


Adventure - A heartfelt story of an estranged brother and sister who must put aside their differences in order to solve an elaborate treasure hunt, left for them in the will of their eccentric father.


Bob is a longtime, aging taxi driver. Josh, his last fare for the night is a young man who has had everything handed to him in life and is discovering it's all unraveling. The two men could not be more different. But when Josh begins to divulge his grievances to Bob the two quickly discover that they share a dark and destructive bond that will change their lives in an instant.
