Patrick Chauveau

Nicola, a young filmmaker, drags an amateur film crew along to meet Matthieu, a paralyzed poet in an electric wheelchair, who lives in a mill. As time goes by and nothing really takes shape, Nicola realizes the inanity of his project, the film slips more and more out of his control and he becomes increasingly absorbed in a ludicrous, poetical search for inspiration.


A beautiful felon, sentenced to life in prison for the murder of a policeman, is given a second chance - as a secret political assassin controlled by the government.


In this French-language film, Albin (Henri Serre) is a mercenary soldier. Sure, he's paid to kill, but he only agrees to jobs where he's killing those who need to be killed. Anyway, he trusts his buddies, and they trust him: in this case with a big haul of money they found in a jungle shoot-out. When he returns to France one of the first things he does, quite by chance, is to go see the act of Le Grande Magic Circus. The circus keeps coming into his life for the rest of the movie, as he tries to live a "regular" life.
