Patrick Cunningham

A modern day odyssey story of a Japanese rent-boy and how a violent night sets in motion a journey back to his childhood roots.

An unlikely friendship forms between 21 year-old Jane and the elderly Sadie after Jane discovers a hidden stash of money inside an object at Sadie's yard sale.


After several years of living with a cult, Martha finally escapes and calls her estranged sister, Lucy, for help. Martha finds herself at the quiet Connecticut home Lucy shares with her new husband, Ted, but the memories of what she experienced in the cult make peace hard to find. As flashbacks continue to torment her, Martha fails to shake a terrible sense of dread, especially in regard to the cult's manipulative leader.


This hair-raising remake of the 1979 horror hit depicts the ordeal of the Lutz clan, whose new home has a gory past and a legacy of demons. Before long, the family patriarch is plagued by nightmares and his daughter is seeing phantoms.
