Patrick Stack

When Freddy's teacher, Mrs. Lapino notices that Freddy has a reading problem, she sends a Book Fairy to talk to his parents to convince them to help him read. Though their initial attempts meet with little success, they try their hardest and teach Freddy to love reading.

Chicago police detective Jack Reed investigates the brutal murder of a stripper while he deals with corruption and bureaucracy within his own department.


An elite group of vice cops are fired from the L.A.P.D. for being over-zealous in their war against drugs. It is immediately apparent that some of their superiors are involved in the drug ring. Banded together, four of the banned cops (which quickly becomes three when one is killed early) band together to fight the drug ring undercover. They gain capital for weapons by ripping off minor drug dealers. Then well-armed they go after the kingpin (Boyd).


Fed up of his business partner, Ernest Trend hires the services of two exterminators. When things go drastically wrong and they murder the wrong man, the race is on to frame an innocent video surveillance man.


A former child show host misses the good old days. He and his sidekick from the show are doing a gig when the place gets robbed and the sidekick murdered. The host is the only one who saw the robber well so the robber goes after him.


When former Green Beret John Rambo is harassed by local law enforcement and arrested for vagrancy, the Vietnam vet snaps, runs for the hills and rat-a-tat-tats his way into the action-movie hall of fame. Hounded by a relentless sheriff, Rambo employs heavy-handed guerilla tactics to shake the cops off his tail.
