Pau Esteve Birba

In a desolate town a group of men gathers: some are fleeing the crisis, others caused it.


Victor Genovés, an influential businessman, is blackmailed: if he doesn't agree to pay a large sum of money, the self-styled Midas favorites will kill a person at random at a designated place and time and add a new victim periodically until they achieve their goal. How many deaths will he be able to carry on his shoulders?


A boy escaped from home, listening, crouched in the depths of his hiding place, the cries of the men who seek him. When the game passes, what remains before him is an infinite and arid plain that he must cross if he wants to get away definitively from what has made him flee. His steps will intersect with those of a pastor and, from that moment, nothing will be the same for either of them.


In Seville, Juan is starting to enjoy his weekends outside of prison when tragedy strikes: his little girl is killed in what looks like an accident.


Planet Earth, 9177. The remains of humankind live in a post-apocalyptic environment divided into only two social classes: the ruling king and the oligarchs who inhabit the Representative Building and the poor of the world who hardly survive in the slums built around it. (Sequel to “Dawn Breaks, Which Is No Small Thing,” 1989.)


Madrid, 1961. Ana Mari is single, lame, Francoist and instructor of the Sección Femenina. By order of the dictator Franco, she must go to work as a maid to Ava Gardner's house and spy on her, pretending to be married to Manolo, a hustler who will become the driver of the American actress.


Helena, a young woman on a deep space mission, has been alone for 20 years. Her parents abandoned ship after a technical malfunction made it impossible for all three of them to reach their intended destination. Alex, an isolated engineer, is about to enter her life and turn her world upside down.


Álvaro, a man obsessed with the idea of writing what he brands as “high literature,” manipulates the lives and feelings of the people around him to write about the consequences caused by his devious acts.


Marc, a successful, ambitious man, is diagnosed with terminal cancer, and is given a few months to live. Unable to accept death, he decides to cryogenically freeze himself. The love of his life is devastated. Seventy years later, Marc becomes the first cryogenic resuscitated person in history. But this doesn't happen in the idealized way he dreamt of.


Three generations of the rowdy Cutler family live as outlaws in some of Britain's richest countryside – hunting hares, ram-raiding stately homes, and taunting the police. Struggling to retain a way of life fast becoming extinct, Chad Cutler ends up caught between his father's archaic principles and trying to do right by his kids, whilst the full force of the law is finally catching up with him.


Based on true events about the foot soldiers of the early feminist movement who were forced underground to evade the State.


Narrates the preparation for a wedding of a Spanish couple in which everything goes wrong.


Natalia and Carlos, both aged 20, are in love and struggling to survive in today’s Spain. Their limited resources prevent them from getting ahead as they’d like to. They have no great ambitions because they have no great hopes. To earn some money, they decide to shoot an amateur porno film. The birth of their daughter Julia is the main catalyst for the changes they make.


During an imaginary tour of David Bisbal, a young woman happens to take refuge in his caravan. That unexpected encounter brings about some emotional consequences that will mark the artist's life forever.


Carlos is the most prestigious tailor in Granada, but he's also a murderer in the shadows. He feels no remorse, no guilt, until Nina appears in his life and love awakens.


OTHELLO is a cinematographic essay about power, desire, jealousy and deceit; a thought on the boundaries between fiction and real life.
