Paul Bös

C.R. MacNamara will do anything to get a promotion within the Coca-Cola company, including looking after boss W.P. Hazeltine's rebellious teenage daughter, Scarlett. When Scarlett visits Berlin, where C.R. is stationed, she reveals that she is married to a communist named Otto Piffl -- and C.R. recognizes that Otto's anti-establishment stance will clash with his boss's own political views, possibly jeopardizing his promotion.


Unscrupulous girl traders transport unsuspecting blonde girls from a nightclub in Amsterdam to a brothel in Havana. The young journalist Verena Linkmann wants to expose the slave trade, disguises herself as an available dancer.


The ghosts of thieves help a beautiful young countess save her inherited castle from modern developers in this comic horror/musical.


Based on an actual post-war murder in Frankfurt, this standard docudrama by Rudolf Jugert is a serious treatment of the story as compared to the earlier, satirical film The Girl Rosemarie. The history of the case of Rosemarie, a hooker, and how she came to be strangled in her apartment is not completely clear. One of the suspects in the case was first charged, later acquitted, but never really free of an aura of culpability. British actress Belinda Lee plays the title role with her voice dubbed over in German.


The story has an old donkey resolving to break away from the unbearable hardships of working for a fat miller (Alfred Pongratz). By and by, he recruits three more unsatisfied animals and convinces them to accompany him on his way to Bremen where they want to become musicians. Fighting off some robbers in a forest house then becomes an important part of the story.


Seit 999 Jahre lebt der Berggeist Rübezahl tief unter der Erde im Riesengebirge. Niemand hat ihn seither gesehen. Doch als er erfährt, dass die Menschen nicht mehr an ihn glauben und dass Habgier und Ungerechtigkeit herrschen, steigt der Herr der Berge hinab ins Tal, um den Menschen mit seinen Zauberkräften eine Lektion zu erteilen. Einen Knecht, der sein altes Pferd zu Tode schindet, spannt er vor den Wagen und gibt ihm die Peitsche. Das Gold des reichen und geizigen Vetters Klaus verwandelt der Berggeist in Steine. Auf seiner Wanderung hungrig geworden, kehrt Rübezahl in Gestalt eines Fuhrmanns in einen Gasthof ein. Als der gefräßige Wirt ihm vor lauter Gier die Hälfte der bestellten Rühreier vom Teller nascht, fordert Rübezahl die bereits bezahlten Eier zurück...


A commanding officer defends three scapegoats on trial for a failed offensive that occurred within the French Army in 1916.
