Paul Brennan

A documentary about branding, advertising and product placement that is financed and made possible by brands, advertising and product placement.


It’s 1854 and ten-year-old Millie is taken in by ‘Raggie Aggie’ after her mother dies in a Newcastle brothel. The spirited young Millie is exposed again to the corrupting influences of the streets of Newcastle.


Steve Hardin, a young judge, must grapple with his conscience as vicious criminals in his court are going free as a result of slick lawyers finding obscure loopholes in the law. Hardin feels utterly powerless until he discovers The Star Chamber, a small group of powerful men bent on their own kind of vigilante justice. Meeting behind closed doors in the utmost secrecy, they decree their own punishment for the guilty who have slipped through the system without paying for their crimes.


Set in the Seventies, Hennessy is a Irishman who believes in peace, but who has had connections to the IRA. Hennessy's family is killed, and he plots revenge, setting out to assassinate Queen Elizabeth of England.


This documentary from Albert and David Maysles follows the bitter rivalry of four door-to-door salesmen working for the Mid-American Bible Company: Paul "The Badger" Brennan, Charles "The Gipper" McDevitt, James "The Rabbit" Baker and Raymond "The Bull" Martos. Times are tough for this hard-living quartet, who spend their days traveling through small-town America, trying their best to peddle gold-leaf Bibles to an apathetic crowd of lower-middle-class housewives and elderly couples.
