Paul Cambo

The whole intrigue is centered around carte-blanche documents kept in a vault. Whoever fills in the blank becomes the owner of a revue. Big money is involved. The nephew of the owner of the vault is trying to cheat his uncle and have his name in the documents. Everything is even more complicated because the manager of the bank has a finger in the pie, too. Who but a humble bank-teller (Pierre Richard) will ruin the scheme?


A man makes clumsy attempts to marry his naive young ward.


Duke Philippe de Nevers is an influential and popular man who is married to a beautiful wife called Aurore. His rival Philippe de Gonzague hates him enough to organise an attempt on him. The Duke is accompagnied by Henri de Lagardère when de Gonzague's henchmen altogether attack him. Lagardère cannot save his friend because the both of them are hopelessly outnumbered. He has to escape in order to save the Duke's daughter and swears revenge. Together with his old buddy Passepoil he raises the little girl in Spain. At the same time he returns frequently to France where he detects confronts his friend's murderers and puts them to the sword one by one until only their former leader is left. Finally he discovers that Philippe de Gonzague is the man for whom he is looking.


A young woman has been run over by the car of Carlos, a brilliant embassy attaché. Feeling sorry for her, Carlos drives her to his place and decides to take her in. The young lady accepts his offer but refuses to tell Carlos her name, wanting to be called Miss Pigalle, after the Paris district where she was born. It does not take long before Yvonne (Miss Pigalle's true name) and Carlos fall in love. Life is like a dream and, when Yvonne gets pregnant, their happiness is at their peak. Unfortunately, a revolution breaks out and Carlos returns to his country in secret. Feeling forsaken and at a loss, Yvonne, who is now penniless, has no other solution but prostitute herself.

When Paul, an officer, discovers Denise, a young orphan escaped from her orphanage, he takes advantage of his naivete to seduce her before changing her mind and sending her to live with her mother while sailing.
