Paul Granier

Thirsty one night stands, confused straight boys, rooftop confessions and a ménage-à-trois that explodes with hilarious results - it's all just part of the package in this latest offering of spirited story-telling from our Gallic friends. The short films are: Discreet [Scred] (2017); Distinguished Feelings [Sentiments distingués] (2019); Rue des Roses (2012); First Love [Premier amour] (2021); The Edge [4 fromages] (2019); Without Transition [Sans transition] (2021); Fragile [Babtou fragile] (2021).

Tom, 20 and his friend Max, have opposing views on how to best approach a girl. At the gym, they come across Lucie. And so the match begins…


With nuclear war looming, a military expert in underwater acoustics strives to prove things aren't as they seem—or sound—using only his ears.


While his father lies sick in a hospital room, Albert and his family try to get on with their lives. Their world seems suddenly divided in two: what happens inside the hospital, and the universe outside.


Julie, 23, tries to borrow money from her brother in order to pay back her dealer, who has been threatening her. A simple story told from three points of view.

After giving up a life of cocaine trafficking, Dan is offered a chance to achieve his dream : moving to Australia with his daughter. He accepts the deal and starts a downward spiral sucking him back into 24 hours of hell.


Victor is 65, somewhat crazy, and one of the best chefs in France. When he finds out he has a serious heart disease, he looks for a successor to take control of his restaurant.
