Paul Nickell

A sinister criminal known only as "The Bat" attempts to locate a fortune in stolen securities supposedly hidden in the rambling mansion owned by spinster Cordelia Van Gorde

In an old Louisiana plantation, the furnishings and the once great family are fading fast.The matriarch desperately tries to hold on to the gazebo that's slated for destruction as part of a building project, as well as holding her daughter to an unwanted marriage, even though she loves the builder.

George Orwell's novel of a totalitarian future society in which a man whose daily work is rewriting history tries to rebel by falling in love.


A reenactment of the trial of John Peter Zenger who was arrested during US colonial times for printing materials against the British.


From the anthology series Studio One. On opening night, a playwright sits in a bar interacting with well-wishers and remembering the problems of getting a play ready for Broadway while anxiously awaiting the verdicts of the eight newspaper reviewers.

John Forsythe stars in this story of a wealthy orphan who meets a shy airline owner aboard a plane and later discovers that a corpse has been stowed there.

The story of court-martialed Union soldier William Scott, who is slated for execution for sleeping on duty after he was sent for by Abraham Lincoln.

The story of James Otis who was a part of the American revolution. He contested in court the right of the British to search colonists' homes.


Mistreated foundling Heathcliff and his stepsister Catherine fall in love, but when she marries a wealthy man, he becomes obsessed with getting revenge, even well into the next generation.


Otis Block is found dead in the boarding house where he lived. Although one of his fellow boarders is undoubtedly responsible, their collectively eccentric personalities make the solution of the crime a difficult problem.


The mental condition of psychiatrist's wife Lorna Baylor begins to deteriorate as an anonymous delivery of flowers arrives at her home, awakening her phobia of white carnations. This is the 1950 version. You can tell because it previews the next weeks movie, which was The Wisdom Tooth.
