Paul Ross

Middle-aged newlyweds Larry & Barbara spend their honeymoon at a palatial Caribbean mansion, unaware that it is inhabited by the vengeful spirit of a notorious voodoo witch queen who was murdered a century ago. The woman's evil spirit promptly begins precipitating a variety of violent deaths in accordance with a diabolical ritual intended to bring her back to life -a process which is ultimately consummated by taking possession of Barbara's body.


If you've ever wondered about the sexual proclivities and appetites of those rollerskating waitresses at old fashioned fast food drive ins, you're surely not alone. A lot of very smart people have given it a lot of thought and the result is this groundbreaking motion picture. Carrying trays of burgers and milkshakes is just the tip of the iceberg, from there it gets heavy. Can you handle it?


Fake documentary about various aspects of the occult and paranormal.
