Paul W. Cooper

Newspaper columnist Peyton MacGruder (Genie Francis) finds a note addressed simply to 'T', washed up on shore. It appears to be from the victim of a recent plane crash, and carries a message of hope and forgiveness from a father to his child. MacGruder's readership is down on her column (called "Heart Healer"), and the paper is going to dump it unless she starts to write from the heart.


This film relates the story of a tightly connected Afro-American community informally called Colored Town where the inhabitants live and depend on each other in a world where racist oppression is everywhere, as told by a boy called Cliff who spent his childhood there. Despite this, we see the life of the community in all its joys and sorrows, of those that live there while others decide to leave for a better life north. For those remaining, things come to a serious situation when one prominent businessman is being muscled out by a white competitor using racist intimidation. In response, the community must make the decision of whether to submit meekly like they always have, or finally fight for their rights.


The Secret of Lost Creek is an American adventure television series that aired from February 1 until March 1, 1992.


A timeless story of a boy's adventures growing up in a small Southern town, Yazoo City in the early 1950s, roaming with his friends, playing practical jokes, and getting into trouble.


The popular and macho captain of the high school soccer team is forced to confront his homosexuality after his buddies discover a male pornographic magazine in his bedroom.


A teenage girl is traumatized after being assaulted by a stranger from whom she hitched a ride.

CBS Schoolbreak Special is an American anthology series for teenagers that aired on CBS from April 1980 to January 1996. The series began under the title CBS Afternoon Playhouse, and was changed during the 1984 - 85 season. The concept was very similar to ABC's Afterschool Special.
