Pauline Chappey

Large family or recomposed, teenagers tortured by their hormones, mothers overwhelmed family, students and party rascals, pretty sexy neighbor, retired always on the lookout for a gossip ... Life and relations - sometimes friendly, sometimes tense , but always funny of a band of neighbors who cross every day, like millions of French ... In front of the landing, in the elevator, while leaving the garbage cans or leaving to work ...


Thomas, a father in his fifties, returns by chance to the town where he grew up. He collapses and wakes up forty years earlier in the body of his teenage self. Thrown back into his past, Thomas will not only have to re-live his first love, but also try to understand the reasons for his father’s mysterious departure. Can you change the past by living it again?


One morning Noureddine, who always considered himself a little boy, discovers that his mother Fatima lied to him for 11 years and, in fact, he is a girl.
