Paulo Rocha

At first glance, Serro Azul may seem like just another typical inland town, quiet and surrounded by mountains, where technological advances such as internet and cell phones have not yet arrived. A place where anyone who passes does not pay much attention, not knowing what is missing, after all, a city that is near Greenville and Tubiacanga could not fail to have its peculiarities. The main one is a source with curative and rejuvenating properties, which is the outermost part of a gigantic aquifer, a huge reservoir of what is becoming the most precious possession of the Earth: water. This source is protected by seven guardians whose mission is to ensure that this wealth does not reach the wrong hands.


José Alfredo is a man of humble origins who has always strived to do his best and spent his life building an empire. When he is still young, he suffers from a broken heart and from then on, he begins to take advantage of the people and opportunities he encounters. In a twist of fate, José Alfredo finds himself in the midst of the black market for precious stones and becomes a diamond smuggler. In Switzerland, he meets Maria Marta who comes from a traditional but bankrupt family and the two unite forces in a marriage of interests.
