Pavel Priluchnyy

A couple in love spends time away from civilization. The sudden arrival of the younger sister first, and then the girl's ex-boyfriend, violate the country idyll. Each of the heroes has his own plan for this weekend, and together they become hostages of the situation and participants in cruel psychological games. Falling in love gives way to passion, and innocent flirting causes jealousy and can lead to mortal danger.

The popular rapper comes on tour in St. Petersburg. His fans adore and wait, he is at the peak of fame, he is confident in himself. Together with the star, his manager, musicians and a girl come. Suddenly an attempt is made on a musician. He miraculously manages to escape death, but his manager decides to hire a security guard. It turns out that the guard is ... a girl. She is a professional in her field, but in the brutal world of rap, a woman has a difficult time. The bodyguard understands the star’s entangled relationship and understands that each of the rapper’s entourage could wish for his death. At a crucial moment, the “bodyguard” saves his life. However, she learned too much, and the musician comes time to save her bodyguard.

Russian troops occupied Paris. Russia became the first power in the world. Now everything seems possible. Young winners, guards officers, are sure that equality and freedom will come - here and now. For this they are ready to sacrifice everything - position, wealth, love, life ... and the country itself.


Michael's perfect life changes dramatically when he discovers a portal wich allows him to travel in time. He travels back to the World War II to go through the quest of time and find his one and only beloved.


At the wedding day the beautiful bride Marusya is left alone by her fiancé. She decides to find him by any cost with her friends and they travel to motherland of the groom – Azerbaijan – where they get into the greatest adventure they ever experienced.

Old classmates finally meet each other after 15 years since graduation from school and that's an amazing opportunity to travel back in time. Old secrets and personal vendettas, hard feelings and first loves turn to fever pitch.


Unlucky lawyer pretends to be a disabled to get a job in the top corporation, which decides to dispossess the Disabled club of its building. Now the lawyer needs to choose between career and a girl from the Disabled club


Seven good-ending stories for a whole family.


Forced to become an apprentice cop, cocky playboy Igor finds he's got a knack for police work. But his job soon takes him down a dark personal path.


Every day, they steal your strength, your emotions, your love. We call them the Shadow. Work like us - to deliver them back to the Dark World. Impending disaster, and humanity can be at the mercy of darkness ... And only we can keep the balance


Suddenly, on New Year Eve, Yuri becomes invisible. And very surprised after discovering that there is a lot of invisible people like him in Moscow.

Sailor Marat carries a great burden. His whole village condemns him since his wife and many fishermen were washed off his boat in a mysterious sea storm. Ever since then the sea has vanished. One day, Marat returns to his village, obsessed by the idea of making the sea return and so the dead. He begins rebuilding his shipwreck in the middle of the desert, dragging it towards the endless horizon. Only his last close friend Balthasar, and Tamara, the sister of Marat's deceased wife, believe in him. Tamara, deeply in love with Marat, who repulses her, knows from a fortune teller that maybe not her dream but his might come true. One morning Marat wakes up by the sound of water - the sea has returned, ready to take what belongs to her...


A comedy about a hapless manager desperate to impress his fiancée.


Zhenya krasilova is a determined and uncompromising person, she dreams of doing serious journalism and, at the very least, "save the world" by bringing the innermost truth of life to readers. However, in the meantime, she has to work part-time in a dubious yellow publication and compose scandalous stories about the life of the"stars". One day, an article "how to marry a millionaire" comes out from under her caustic pen, in which she strongly touches a well - known Metropolitan entrepreneur-Leonid Raevsky and his girlfriend. The Wife who has got under a hot hand has to make a bet with the offended oligarch. Within a month, she must prove that she really understands the material, and get some millionaire to make her an offer.

The action takes place in the Moscow region in an old noble estate, built almost 200 years ago by Scherbatov nobleman. After the October Socialist Revolution and until the end of World War II, the manor was empty. From 1945 to 1953 a special reception center for children of “enemies of the people” was located here. Then from 1953 to 1980, orphanage No. 8 began to work there. After its closure, the manor was again empty for exactly 20 years. At the end of 1999, the building was bought out under a private elite boarding school, in which the action unfolds today. The series tells about the life of students and teachers of the elite boarding school "Logos", located in the old estate of Shcherbatov nobleman in the midst of a gloomy, but picturesque forest. In their closed world, all experiences are much more acute than in ordinary school life. In the story, throughout the series, there are eleven main characters. In the course of the plot, it turns out that each of them has its own secrets and skeletons in the closet.


Kir, Leya, Dasha and Max are student. Almost every experience is for a first time to them - first love, first disappointment, first betrayal...


The continuation of the adventures of the heroes of "Hooked on the Game".


After a stunning victory at a cyber sport tournament, the winning gamers are awarded CDs with a brand new game. After playing this game, each of them is affected with some force, turning their gaming abilities into real ones. They each become the best fighters, shooters and racers in real life. However, this does not go unnoticed. Through blackmail, cheating and bribes, authorities offer the gamers a "job". But as soon as the lies are revealed it becomes clear that they are not heroes saving their country but nothing more than paid assassins. Moreover, the producer of the game is keeping many more of the same CDs, so many more "heroes" like themselves could also be produced. Now the gamers have to find the CDs and either destroy them or create an army of gamers and rule over all. The team becomes divided into two, each pitted against the other


Based on the true story of a pilot awarded the Hero of the Soviet Union Award. Devyataev was a war pilot enrolled in active duty on day one of WWII. He shot down 9 enemy planes. On July 13, 1944, near the city of Lvov, he had to parachute and got captured. Imprisoned at Lodzi, Zaksenhausen and Usedom camps on February 8, 1945, he hijacked a German bomber at Penemunde airbase and escaped saving 9 of his friends. Without knowing it, Devyataev escaped on a bomber that had a secret weapon in its cargo bay. That left Hitler no chance to win WWII.