Pawarith Monkolpisit

The film traces the formative years of the songs-for-life band Carabao, from the day the young band members meet in the Philippines to their rise to become the most famous rock group in the 1980's.


The love story of four people who meet during the New Year's Day in the city of Vientiane, Laos.


Tee Yai is a notorious contract killer protected by special black magic powers obtained from a monk. Anyone who fights with him loses. He is feared by all his rivals and the police. With the police hot on his tail he runs away from home. While on the run another gang begins doing jobs that are then blamed on him. He has to settle the score. But with every cop after him with orders to kill him can he succeed?

A group of friends visit the scenic town of Pai between Chiang Mai and Mae Hong Song to look for an idea to make a good movie that will best describe the story of this town. They have different opinions on this town so they decide that each person will go out and find their own ideas to put in the movie.


Two lovers are plunged into their deep love but face so many obstacles. They decide to end their lives to meet again in another world. But they spend three different lives and three million years to meet each other again.


Cheuk looks for a job at a bar run by a girl named Beauty. In the middle of his interview, he foils what he believes is a crime being committed. In return, he gets the job. Meanwhile, desperate for money to return home to Hong Kong, a gangster named Hai and his girlfriend, Su, also begin working for Beauty. Both Cheuk and Hai become attracted to Beauty, which makes Su very jealous. Beauty finds and cares for a baby that was abandoned at their bar and conceals a dark secret.


Mak, a street urchin in Bangkok, dreams of being a tough gangster. He earns some money as a drugs runner. One day he meets a young prostitute, who turns out to live nearby and they fall in love. After he has delivered a large batch of drugs to a rich man on the other side of town, they can suddenly afford new clothes, luxury mobile phones and expensive sunglasses. Made reckless, Mak and his partners use the girl for an even bigger delivery to the same rich man. But then everything goes terribly wrong... Written by Anonymous Som is a student working her way through school as prostitute. Bank is a drug dealer. But both are actually nice people, just trying to make it in life the best way they know how. They meet and decide to try and make it together. To get what they want, like a mobile phone, they try to pull off a big drug deal.


The movie is about a deaf-mute hitman and his partner. Trouble begins when he starts a relationship with a young woman.
