Pawel Królikowski

Policemen from two precincts are joining forces to fight the Mokotowska Group.


The death of a young girl shakes the local community. At the same time Dobrowicach appears Paul Zawadzki. Who is? Why a teacher from a reputable school in Warsaw and takes a job in the country? Paul begins his own investigation. In the face of crime there is no room for half-truths. However, although we all here know and they know everything about each other, Paul, no one will say. Belfer is left alone.


Embarking on a journey across southern Poland to find his long-lost father, twelve-year-old Tomek receives help from a mysterious youth named Gabriel.


In an incendiary story of love, desire, and betrayal between siblings, the rebellious young Tadek returns to sister Anka’s home in search of solace and affection. Bound together by a painful shared family history, brother and sister must find a way to break free in order to survive. This formidable debut fearlessly yet tenderly explores one of society’s last taboos.


"True Stories" is a series of stories about ordinary people put in the face of extraordinary challenges. These are stories inspired by life. Without undue pathos and artificial happy ending, but with an optimistic message. The film is based on real events. January 28, 2003, a group of high school students went to climb Rysy. An avalanche killed eight of them. Parents of children who were killed face tragedies. It's hard for them to come to terms with what has happened.


Piotr (Paweł Królikowski) jest psychiatrą. Siedzi na nocnym dyżurze, gdy na jego oddział przywożą chłopaka. To Kamil (Lesław Żurek), syn którego nie widział całe lata. Chłopak znika ze szpitala równie szybko, jak się pojawił. Jednak Piotr postanawia nawiązać z nim kontakt. Zaprasza go do siebie i poznaje ze swoją piękną, młodą narzeczoną (Anna Geislerová). Po wizycie Kamila kobieta uświadamia sobie, że Piotr jest dla niej zagadką i naprawdę nic o nim nie wie. A Piotr rzeczywiście skrywa mroczną tajemnicę…


Ranczo ["Ranch"] is a Polish television comedy series, directed by Wojciech Adamczyk, that has aired since March 2006 on TVP1. It follows the story of Lucy Wilska, a Polish-American who has inherited her grandmother's country home in the fictional small town of Wilkowyje. She arrives in Wilkowyje intent on selling the cottage but, after seeing the charm of the village, decides to stay.


A short tale of a 14 year old boy who is emotionally and sexually maturing.


Magda, a novice director, makes a film about the behavior of young people in extreme situations - specifically, in a correctional home.


Story about the young Balthazar thrown from one remarkable event to the other. On his way through a plague hit the landscape, he meets the Kabbalists, priests - and himself.
