Pedro Aguinaga

Neusa Suely, a prostitute, is accused by her pimp Vado of stealing his money. To get rid of the accusations, she blames her neighbour, Veludo. The three characters then start to live a small tragedy set in the underground Rio de Janeiro scene.


In Rio de Janeiro, after an altercation with his father and mother, a young man named Bebeto kills his family and goes to a movie theater, where he watches four weird vignettes.


A public relations man is invited to guide an American millionaire during his stay in Rio de Janeiro. He gets involved in the most bizarre situations, from orgiastic mega-parties to confrontations with the police, meetings with drug dealers and movie stars, facing corruption and even murder.


The Three Musketeers (Dede Santana, Mussum, Zachariah) work at home Sra.Ana Rocha (Rosita Tomáz) and has the difficult task of going in Foz do Iguaçu retrieve an emerald necklace, with which the plant is Mr. Louis at stake, and Chicken Joe (Renato Aragão) who lives in a poor chicken coop offers to help. Arriving in Foz do Iguaçu, find the bad guy, but he sells the paste to a villain in Manaus, in the Amazon already, Chicken Joe takes some stones, are the villain but he sold to another bandit in Rio de Janeiro, where they find the villain and finally retrieve the necklace, and the stones that Chicken Joe took were actually diamonds.


Coming from outer space, Prince Flick asks the Trapalhões to help him free his planet from the domain of evil Zuco and free Princess Myrna, who has been taken prisoner. He offers a reward, the four friends accept the mission and embark in a spaceship driven by a hairy monster called Bonzo. Once on the planet, they they defeat Zuco, but they fail to save Princess Myrna's life. Her place on the throne is then taken by Loya, the girlfriend Didi met on that planet. Back on Earth, os Trapalhões think their adventure was but a dream, but they are convinced otherwise when they find their reward.


Middle-class teenage girl has a serious boyfriend that her parents approve of. Suddenly, she meets another boy with whom she is shown to have a greater identification.
