Pedro Álvarez-Ossorio

In the sequel to 'The world is ours', 'The world is yours' we have Alfonso Sánchez and Alberto López playing 'Los compadres', men from Seville with a good economic position. Using satire, the two Andalusian comedians caricature these two new characters, through pride and lack of culture, and make comments about the situation of men, women and the differences that Spain has with the rest of the world. Now, with 40 years on, they pose the following situation: you are a man of forty years who laughs at life, without really having a hard because everything you have had you squandered. The vision of the prototypical, casposa and sister in law of Spain.


Daniel - a recent university graduate with Down's Syndrome - falls in love on his first day at work in the Department of Social Services. Laura is an outsider who spends her nights in the city's crowded clubs and singles' bars, escaping her problems in the arms of total strangers. Yet despite their apparent incompatibility, the two strike up a moving, bittersweet friendship that touches them both and eventually sets them on the road to happiness.


Película española basada en la novela homónima escrita por Juan Bonilla. Simón, un aspirante a escritor frustrado que se dedica a escribir crucigramas para un periódico, recibe un misterioso encargo: debe incluir la palabra Adversario el próximo Domingo de Ramos en su crucigrama, bajo amenaza. Tras acceder a este chantaje, Simón ve como se suceden una serie de catástrofes que le hacen sospechar de su compañero de piso, Sapo, distanciarse de su novia, Ariadna, y buscar la ayuda de María, una compañera del periódico, para investigar estos extraños sucesos. Todo esto ocurre con la ciudad de Sevilla como telón de fondo y durante la Semana Santa más multitudinaria de España, lo que contribuye a la confusión con nazarenos con pistolas láser, juegos de rol en el recinto de la Expo 92 y acusaciones que acaban inculpando al propio Simón de los crímenes cometidos.


This is the story of a man fighting with all his might for his life and his freedom. Eleuterio (”El Lute”) embarks upon an action-packed future, fuelled by the notions of freedom and dreams of living just as his countrymen, ever-growing in his mind. Nothing and no-one can stop him. After escaping the Puerto de Santa María prison, the reunion with his family is just the beginning of what will become an endless escape.
