Pedro Chaskel

Pedro Chaskel, director, editor and post-producer. Based on domestic memories, and accompanied by representative fragments,tries to reconstruct the most important works of his career and motivations.


The documentary explores the "Archives of Horror" of the dictatorship of General Alfredo Stroessner, discovered in Paraguay in 1992 and in the documentation of Operation Condor found there, which reveals who was responsible, what was their goals, strategies, prisons,accomplices and murders.

A female mutt called "Perla" (Pearl) is abandoned by her owner on the top of the San Cristobal hill, in the capital city of Santiago, Chile. Without knowing what to do, soon Perla is part of the huge amount of street city dogs. Until the day she meets Samuel, a troubled man, and they both start the way of mutual recovery.


Three stories rooted in violence, mental erosion and hopes that ran through Chile's soul.

SOMOS + follows a political demonstration by women who rise up with a unified voice against Pinochet’s military regime.

Guzmán’s final instalment shifts from covering the actions of Allende’s opponents to those who battled to revive & promote their toppled leader’s vision for a new Chile.


Latin American children, children of exiles and political prisoners, tell of their experiences of integration in Cuba, sharing their memories from exile and ideas on politics and education. Filmed in Havana in February 1979, the International Year of the Child.

A documentary about the activities carried out by the Group of Relatives of Disappeared Detainees: We see presentation of writs of protection, reports, criminal actions, hunger strikes, pacific protests, public acts. The place where minors, the children of missing detainees, are rehabilitated is also shown. Finally, an account about some members in the group is given before international Human Rights organizations.

Chronicles the events immediately surrounding the CIA- supported coup itself.


The chronicle of the political tension in Chile in 1973 and of the violent counter revolution against the democratically elected government of Salvador Allende.


Through the testimony of the victims of the Brazilian dictatorship, and the re-creation of the practices to which they were subjected, the torture suffered by the Brazilian political detainees in their country is denounced. Restored version.

A documentary about the consequences of consuming alcohol and how it works as a weapon of the bourgeoisie to appease the thirst of the people.


Based on an actual murder case that ignited a furious debate over the death penalty in Chile in 1960, this experimental social drama portrays the life and death of an illiterate peasant who, while drunk, murdered the woman with whom he had a relationship and her five children.


A collage of images showing the two faces of a society. That of poverty and that of wealth. Throughout the documentary, this antagonism is shown: populations in unhealthy conditions, and on the other hand, large showcases with mannequins.

This documentary shows the inhuman conditions on which the patients of Iquique's Psychiatric Hospital live.


Feature film that wraps, through Jorge Lillo's text, three short films by Helvio Soto

A poet recites his verses. The people who listen to him, inspired by him, form the Spring Party, which later becomes the Spring Army. It is decided to eliminate possible opponents. The poet is considered an enemy and is shot.

A docudrama based on the family planning policies for the population with limited resources. A low-income lady resorts to clandestine ways to get an abortion...

Two guerrillas (Miguel Littin and Jorge Guerra) wander lost in the desert until one of them dies. A jeep appears in the distance to rescue the survivor, but unable to read the signs of comradeship pointed out to him by the drivers of the vehicle, he shoots them.

A maid loses all her jobs because her son cries at night, and that bothers her bosses. The play portrays the wandering and desperation of the protagonist to get a job, which ends in her failed attempts due to the "Angelito".

Sequences that illustrate moments in a woman's life, in parallel to the political events happening in South America during the 60's.

A poetic film that records the excavations carried out by Swiss ethnologist Jean Christian Spahni at the mouth of the Loa River. Through the bone remains and objects found, the testimony of the Chango indigenous people is revealed.

A family on the brink of bankruptcy decides to do dirty jobs undercover by the government to overcome their condition.

A day in the life of an 'organillero' as he plays his music in the streets of a Chilean city.


Record of the landscapes of the Antarctic continent and of the scientific activities carried out there in mission of the executive committee for the International Geophysical Year.

Set in Santiago de Chile in the 50's and divided into three stories. The first story is about a young woman who has just discovered that she's pregnant. The father refuses to cooperate. The second story is set in Arica, and concerns smuggling in northern Chile. The third and final story, "Ojos de gato", concerns a cashier that is bewitched by a mysterious "Lady in Black".


Detailed record of the operative technique used by Professor Dr. Alfonso Asenjo to perform surgery on a patient with Parkinson's disease at the Hospital de Neurocirugía de Santiago.