Pedro Collantes

While his father lies sick in a hospital room, Albert and his family try to get on with their lives. Their world seems suddenly divided in two: what happens inside the hospital, and the universe outside.


Marisa is a 65-year-old widow living in a small country town in the sole company of her dog Tico. One day she receives and unexpected visit from Hiroshi, and they will share a day that won't be like any other.

Feature documentary that explores the international arms trade, the only business that counts its profits in billions and losses in human lives.


My birthday is the brightest day of a year. My birthday always starts at the cemetery.

Years ago, Ling had a dream. Even today she can remember every detail.

Short film. Synopsis: There is always a first time for everything, even for celery.


Everybody knows how to raise children, except the people who have them.
