Pedro Freire

Junior, as he’s known, since he’s essentially still a child, seems to be having a tough time getting on in life. He shares cheap lodgings with another fellow and earns money doing strenuous night shifts at a warehouse. It’s no surprise that he lives for football and desperately hangs onto the dream of perhaps every Brazilian kid – to become a famous player. Although he trains hard with his amateur team, he’s not one of the best. He won’t admit to the mounting jealousy he feels as he watches his talented friend doing extremely well on the pitch. What’s more, his prospects don’t look so rosy now that his young girlfriend Carine is pregnant, and he also has to deal with her dominant mother poking her nose in...


Two girls star in this musical drama amazing road! A van, a beach, a reed, very homesick, girls in flower perched at gas stations… and a little music.


Rodrigo and Suzana have started a relationship recently. He's seventy-two, she's sixty, and they are completely in love with each other. Together, they spend days in bed, talking, eating, laughing and making love.


Free adaptation of Romeo and Juliet translated to the harsh life in Favela da Maré, one of largest and most violent slums in Rio de Janeiro. Living in a slum divided between two rival gangs of drug traffickers, Analídia is the daughter of one of the gangs' leaders and Jonathan is a childhood friend of the other gang leader. Both study in a dance group situated exactly in the middle of the two territories, looking for solace in art.
