Pedro Laginha

Several stories of love and hope, united by invisible threads. There are those who call these threads magic, some who call them destiny. What matters is that they will lead all of our characters to the same outcome, on the same day: Christmas Eve


Conspiracy Theories


A man and a woman with no apparent connection are involved in a bizarre bank robbery, resulting in their death. Their children (Lara and Simão), faced with the impasse in the police investigation, decide to unravel the mystery that led to the tragedy. What they discover is just the tip of the skein. Other deaths follow, all unrelated to view and entangled in a mysterious web that seems to have no end. What will be the next target?


Threatened by a fascist plot, the Portuguese government recruits several "special people" to stop the coup.


Telenovela star Mariana is on the verge of a nervous breakdown: shooting is not going smoothly, her popularity is waning, and she is forever being hounded by paparazzi. Frustrated, Mariana can't find out who is responsible for these invasions of her privacy. It is the feared 'Paparazzo' Gabriela Santos, who's real name is Juan. One day, Juan and Mariana meet by chance and fall in love. Now Juan must do everything he can to prevent Mariana from discovering his true identity.


Rui, A teenage boy works in his father shop and has an old brother that is a policeman. His father is about to close the shop, because of money issues, and Rui needs to get money for him and also to help his father. By the hand of a friend he enters in the criminal world to make money.


After the passing of one of his friends, João remember's the summer he had with his friends when he was 12 years old.


Two friends, Nuno (Pedro Laginha) and Flash (Miguel Borges) live together and decide to rent one room of the house in order to have more money to pay the rent. that's when they meet Carla (Maria João Bastos) who might change their lives forever.


“1618” is a film about the inquisitorial visit to Porto that encountered resistance from priests, ordinary citizens and the city authorities themselves, all accustomed for centuries to living alongside the Jews.