Pedro Vargas

One could describe Lost as a family documentary in the first person; but also as a film that goes through a good part of the history of Mexican cinema. Viviana García Besné tells how it was that her family, ‘the Calderóns’, played an essential role in the production, distribution and exhibition of that primitive “other Hollywood”. Lost in Time is a touching film because of those surprises the director finds each time she comes across with that invaluable family footage, which was more forgotten than lost; or when her relatives tell stories she thought to be hilarious and made up, and which she later finds out to be true (like a shattered romance between her grandmother and Ricardo Montalbán, for instance). García Besné makes the most out of the contrasts that surface between the different visual formats she uses and all that found footage she finds. Lost in Time is a master class of cinema, any way you look at it.


Pedro and Cati live in the San Gregorio township. They must fight for their love despite the over-protection and fears of their families.


Relates the life of one of Puerto Rico's most loved and revered composer and songwriter, Rafael Hernández.


From the hill of Tepeyac arise the most extraordinary miracles.

A deaf and mute vagabond finds a large denomination bill in a Mexico City dump, and while he tries to buy something with it, others try to con him into giving it away. The film was selected as the Mexican entry for the Best Foreign Language Film at the 36th Academy Awards, but was not accepted as a nominee.


Biography of the famous composer of children's music Gabilondo Soler. Starts from his childhood, when he worked as a pastor and grandmother tried to teach him to play the piano. Later he went to the city to study music theory and began writing his first songs.


Tourist's eye overview of some highlights of Mexican history and folk culture, all expressed through interpretive dance.


Film clips of songs by performers from around the world.


Unscrupulous promoter creates hostilities that ruin the friendships between six young musicians.

Nightclub entertainer discovers the truth about her birth mother while making the right choice in her love life, choosing the good guy over the slimy, exploitative hoodlum.

Restaurant/nightclub is sinking into bankruptcy and management team pull wacky shit to try to get back on their feet.

Two men and two women meet and pair off (m/w x 2) during the town Festival in San Marcos. Later, weddings.

In a music hall has committed a murder, the police will also find the murderer.


Three struggling musicians share an apartment.


Nightclub singer has to choose between marrying again or reuniting with her divorced husband.


Between-engagements troupers at a theatrical boarding-house con a rich acquaintance into financing a show.


On their anniversary, a lomg-married couple reminisce about the history of their marriage


Mexican worker Rafael Améndola runs from the police and cross the Mexican-American border, helped by Frank Mendoza, a partner of an American called Mr. Sterling, who gives work to illegal migrants. Once in the United States, Rafael does not adapt to his new life.


Ranch-owner visits the big city to help his brother launch a theatrical venture.

Big-league criminal escapes from jail, tracks down his ex-wife at a seaside resort. She kills him in self-defense, and then a guy who looks exactly like him comes along. Massive complications!


Dr. Castellanos is saved from bankruptcy.


Working-class girl-next--door type is seduced into a high-glam lifestyle when an oily promoter helps launch her as a nightclub singer; she throws over her decent-simple-guy boyfriend and loses her moral compass.


Journalist meets an unforgettable woman, tracks her down and discovers all her tragic past.

Family melodrama with lots of complications: illegitimate children, amnesia, blended families, maternal sacrifices...


Wacky rich woman subjects her husband, servants and friends to a series of elaborate masquerades, remodeling her house and wardrobe every couple of days to represent different historical eras or cultural milieux. Today she's Marie Antoinette, tomorrow she may be Pancho Villa's common-law wife or a nun.

The 'other woman' tricks her fella into filing to divorce his wife.

Fancy gentleman uses his charms to exploit a bunch of women.

A nightclub performer decides to raise the baby boy she found abandoned in a trash can, putting her job and social life in jeopardy.


Rich widow recovers from a thirty-year alcoholic fugue and resumes her previous life.


Mexican romantic musical.


Left alone after her mother runs off with another man and her father kills himself, Elena attempts to make a new life for herself in a new city. Believing he's a friend, Elena goes to dinner with "Pretty Boy" Lucio, but he drugs her champagne and sells her to Rosaura, who runs a brothel out of her nightclub. Elena becomes a sensation as a dancer, but all the while she nurtures plans of revenge against those who have conspired against her.


Ex-con rebuilds his life after being discharged from prison.


Woman discovers she's dying of an incurable illness, so she tries to make her husband hate her; dumping her on moving on would be better for him than watching her decline and feeling sad.

The movie starts with Braulio Peláez (Pedro Infante), a schoolteacher, having just fallen off his horse, representing the situation he and his family are in. The next scenes introduce the viewer to his family and their poor financial and social situation. As Braulio stumbles around looking for his glasses, he causes a famous film star, Alfonso de Madrazo (Rafael Alcaide) to crash his car. Braulio offers him to eat at his house as an apology. Braulio's sister and mother, big film fans, immediately recognise Alfonso and attempt to get him to bring the girl, Luisa Peláez (Irma Dolores) to Mexico City to become a film star. Alfonso agrees and tells them to come to the capital.


Backstage musical: showbiz couple fusses and breaks up, then resolve their problems just before the end.


Her stepfather rapes her and she runs away to home. After that, she's exploited by a series of men, and...


Based on a popular song. An unhappy love affair becomes an excuse for heavy drinking and all-round debauchery.


Two brothers "out on the ranch" fight over girls and stuff.

A man steals to buy medicine for his sick mother but when she dies he gets into drug trafficking at a local cabaret.


A bad woman exploits her husband's love. Infidelity, illegitimate children, self-sacrificing fatherhood... Also: Cabarets!


Young composer in a small town where everyone is very nurturing of his talent finishes his first opera and goes to Mexico City to get it produced. Over half the movie is taken up with a performance of his masterpiece.


Theatrical producers discover a new musical-theatre star in a small farming town.