Peeter Kard

Vikingesønnen Harald bliver ladt alene tilbage i sin landsby med kvinder og børn, da hans høvdingefar slutter sig til en gruppe oprørere i protest mod, at kongen forlanger at få hans skib. Men kongen tager hævn ved at lade en gruppe krigere besætte og tyrannisere byen.


Jüri Rumm is a hot-tempered young peasant who is not afraid of either German barons or the Russian czar, barfights or disobedience to his master's orders. Mari, a gentle peasant girl, loves Jüri despite the fact that he is very popular among young women. Evelin is a quick-tempered baron's daughter who is used to get everything she wants, including a peasant boyfriend who considers himself a free man. Yet, the free man becomes an outlaw. Where will the runaway's love lead him?


It's 1940 - the first summer of the Soviet occupation on the Estonian island Saaremaa. Teenagers stepping in their lives have important decisions to make. Should they support the Soviet regime or join the resistance?


A romantic comedy about two rival motorcyclists who are in love with two twin sisters. It is a remake of the 1959 film Naughty Curves and was the first film shot in the Soviet-designed Kinopanorama format.


If Vaike, a student and athlete from Tartu, arrives to Pirita-Kose-Kloostrimetsa speedway, the bikes are already racing with dizzying speeds. The same dizzying adventures will be ahead, when Vaike meets multiple-times champion Raivo, who has been dizzied with sports progress and young ladies, and with champion candidate Heino, who helps Vaike to prepare for competition. Vaike cannot “hold her horses” alone and counts for her sister Maret, who also in past have had helped her out from similar difficult situations. But this time also comes into play Maret’s fresh husband Ants, who is convinced that he no more mix up the twin sisters.
