Pentti Siimes

Thomas, a former doctor, a widower, lives alone in a basement apartment in Helsinki. His routine becomes even more limited when his misanthropic brother dies, reducing Thomas' human contact to practically nil. As with many seniors, he's basically invisible to passersby, though Thomas in particular avoids engaging with those around him. When he runs into his estranged daughter Marie, he tries to create a bridge.


A story of a priest, who considers himself as a rebel is suddenly asked to run for bishop of Turku.


Sergeant Friman is developing an automatic submarine detector that piques the interest of both, Swedish and Russian spies.


The colonel's wife's tin pints need to be cleaned up, and Sergeant First Class Körmy tasks two privates to do so.


Uuno's nose is proved to be so good, that he can smell behind the display window what goods are on the other side. With this fabulous smell talent Uuno is chosen to Police's police-dog school as a student among the other dogs. Meanwhile Director Tuura, Uuno's father-in-law has been chosen to a very high office and thinks that Uuno is just gaining bad reputation for him, so he decides to broake Uuno's and Elisabet's marriage.


Ms. Alli Pelkonen's terrier finds a body from Tähtitorninmäki, that's thought to be a wino at first. But Inspector Palmu knows a little better. And yes, it was a murder. Tähdet kertovat, Komisario Palmu (1962) is directed by Matti Kassila, as were all of these movies. This is the third Inspector Palmu movie. Mika Waltari worked on the script, and after that he came up with the novel.


The prequel, Komisario Palmun erehdys (1960), was a huge success, but its producer T.J. Särkkä forgot to reserve the filming rights of Mika Waltari's other Palmu-novel "Kuka murhasi rouva Skrofin". Mauno Mäkelä bought the rights and Kaasua, komisario Palmu (1961) was filmed under Fennada-Filmi.


A manager of a company has made an embezzlement just to make the sweet life possible with his lover. The office manager promises to take the blame if the manager promises to behave better


A closed room mystery begins when an infamous tycoon is found dead in his bath tub. The famous police lieutenant Palmu is summoned to investigate.


After her aunts death, young Miriam gets a position with the Allnes family. They have a son, Hans. Miriam and Hans fall in love. But the Hans mother is jealous and disapprove.


In the 1910s, beautiful young Silja loses both parents and ends up working as a maid at wealthier farms around her village. She is courted by a number of bachelors, ranging from simple farmhand Väinö to sophisticated young student Armas whom she meets when working for a charming old professor. However, Silja's health starts to deteriorate, and when the Finnish Civil War breaks up in 1918, she is inadvertently involved in a small incident after which her loyalties are questioned by both the Reds and the Whites.


A girl joins the army instead of her brother, who has been injured in a car accident and cannot join the army in time. She is then disguised as a male conscript to save the brother from troubles.


It is the summer of 1941. An eastern-Finnish machine gun company receives an order to turn in their surplus equipment. The company is transferred to the front lines. The next morning the soldiers wake to the sound of guns - the war has begun. The Finnish troops attack and quickly move across the border. The young, nervous rookies of the company get their baptism of fire, and the men become familiar with death and the hardships of war. Under strength and badly equipped they fight a superior enemy. The lists of heroes and of the dead seem endless. Edvin Laine's epic interpretation of Väinö Linna's war novel "Tuntematon Sotilas" is an entire chapter in the book of Finnish movie history.


Åke Strandberg has managed to get a fine education and a good job at the bank, but he wants more. He wants to get rich no matter what. After holidays with his girl Rita, he comes back to Helsinki completely broke and meets up with his buddy Jussi in a bar. For months they embezzle money from the bank, but eventually do realize they have to cover the missing amount by orchestrating and committing a robbery which will then rouse the interest of the police. A hide and seek follows as they try to make their way abroad.
