Pepe Cantero

Spain 1960, the dawn of the country's economic development. Industrial "reorganization" means that many workers have lost their jobs and are forced to emigrate. Martin is one of them. Martin, his wife Pilar and their son Pablito live with Martin's parents in a basement apartment that comes with their job as superintendents of the building. Encouraged by Marcos, his friend and co-worker, Martin decides to emigrate to Switzerland. The whole family has to admit that for the time being this is the most promising plan. Unable to obtain a work contract from the Swiss Consulate, Martin and Marcos decide to go anyway, pretending they are tourists to get past the border police. Pablito will experience drastic changes in a short period of time: his father's departure, a new way of life in a different country with a different environment and learning another language. But afterwards, in Switzerland, they will face new experiences which will allow them to live with renewed happiness.


Lucas Santos, named El Santo is petty thief going continuously in and out of jail. Tired of small thefts, he aims to strike a blow that makes him famous and become the star of all media. His wife Lucia, a comprehensive and sweet woman, while awaiting the return of her husband, works as a stripper at a nightclub. Finally, Lucas gathers a band of petty thieves and decides to steal, from the National Museum of Art Reina Sofía, its most valuable painting: Picasso's Guernica.


Película española basada en la novela homónima escrita por Juan Bonilla. Simón, un aspirante a escritor frustrado que se dedica a escribir crucigramas para un periódico, recibe un misterioso encargo: debe incluir la palabra Adversario el próximo Domingo de Ramos en su crucigrama, bajo amenaza. Tras acceder a este chantaje, Simón ve como se suceden una serie de catástrofes que le hacen sospechar de su compañero de piso, Sapo, distanciarse de su novia, Ariadna, y buscar la ayuda de María, una compañera del periódico, para investigar estos extraños sucesos. Todo esto ocurre con la ciudad de Sevilla como telón de fondo y durante la Semana Santa más multitudinaria de España, lo que contribuye a la confusión con nazarenos con pistolas láser, juegos de rol en el recinto de la Expo 92 y acusaciones que acaban inculpando al propio Simón de los crímenes cometidos.


Fifteen years after the plot a lawyer and a military ex-attorney meet and recall the intense days of 1975 when both participated in the decission of war or peace. The film is told in flashbacks of the two protagonists.


Music execs find out their songs are being pirated, so a detective and his assistant are hired to catch the culprits.
