Per-Axel Arosenius

Elizabeth and David are getting married. One day a sailboat anchor outside their villa in the archipelago. Elisabeth feels a vague threat from the unknown sailor aboard.


The former convicted Eddie from Oslo meet Suzanne, the daughter of a tyrannic Swedish police chief, in a discotheque by coincidence. Together they run off to France. The father starts the hunt for them, thinking they're doing drugs.


Small and short Frida lives with her long, tall friend in a house in the countryside. Frida rejects the idea that people who has commited crimes should be locked up. One day their own house is burgled by Harald. He is sentenced to prison. Acting in accordance with her philosophy, Frida decides to use all means possible to make it possible for Harald to escape.


A Victorian aristocrat buys a former madhouse and converts it into a "love nest" to woo and bed Alice, the lovely blonde Minister's daughter he meets in an art gallery.


A young woman, muted after a sexual assault as a child, is trained to seek violent revenge on those who have wronged her after being kidnapped and forced to work as a prostitute.


In proper Swedish you say summer residents. But if you are a resident on the island you say bathe-fucks.


Maid in Sweden tells the story of Inga, a 16-year-old Swedish girl who leaves her rural home to spend a weekend in the Swedish capital. An innocent with no experience, but with prodigious physical attributes, she has a series of romantic adventures as she throws off the frustrations of her small-town environment.


"Pig Hunt" - Lennart Siljeberg works at the Cattle Inspection Agency. He is the perfect bureaucrat, always careful and pedantic. The agency's latest mission is to extinguish all pigs on the island of Gotland. However, for some unexplainable reason, the local farmers use violence to destroy the agency's work.


A priest, Sven, and his wife Anna live in a lonely vicarage in northern Sweden. Anna has been suffering from nervous trouble. With them lives her "self-sacrificing" friend Hedvig. Hedvig is a complicated character. At first sight she exposes dark sides. She has sworn her self to the devil, by carving a bloody cross onto her body. Hedvig is successfully performing a lot of sorceries, several of them with a strong erotic meaning Thus she sneaks naked to the priest's bed during night. Leaning over him she kisses his body. Sven is moving uneasily in his sleep but does not wake up. Carefully she sits astride him. There is a night of lust. Anna fins herself soon entangled in a net of wickedness.


Copenhagen, Denmark, 1962. When a high-ranking Soviet official decides to change sides, a French intelligence agent is caught up in a cold, silent and bloody spy war in which his own family will play a decisive role.


Narcissa and Elina work in a small town social service office and have various erotic encounters with the people who visit it.


In the village of Stubbhult lives many motorcycle interested young people. However, their rampage interfere with the local population.


A man (Gunnar Hellström) meets prisoner Nils Gustaf Boman and asks him why he strayed from the straight and narrow. The prisoner says: "Put yourself in my position." The man does and sees before him himself as Nils Gustaf Boman.


The nurse Nina becomes sterile after an illegal abortion and keep it a secret from her husband.


A comedy mystery involving the composer and cartoonist Hubert Yrhage, the journalist Gary Lundberg, anticartoon campaigner Lena Lett, the mysterious Jens Myskovich and music publisher Darling Karlsson. Yrhage receives his manuscripts from an 11 year-old whose inspiration comes from the mysterious events at a boarding house where several of the characters stay.


it's the 1840s and a rural parish plagued by drinking and fighting gets a new vicar who has decided to instill law, order and fear of God into the parishioners.


Baron Conrad Crusenhielm is hit in the head during a drunken brawl. Suffering from amnesia, he is mistaken for the lost sailor Karlsson and taken to the navy vessel Fylgia.


The young kid Kalle is always unlucky.

Latin teacher Birger Sjögren at Ringsala boarding school threatens his possesive and chronically ill mother that he will get married. She gets a stroke and dies. Sjögren is affected by feelings of guilt, envy and hatred towards the surroundings. A series of mysterious fires have taken place around the school the last few months. One of the students has seen Sjögren setting fire to a barn. But can he convince the trusted biology teacher Nordmark, expert of the criminal mind?
