Perry Martin

Cast and crew, as well as some famous fans, recall the insanity that was the making of the ultimate experience of grueling terror that is The Evil Dead.


Features interviews with every one of the most important people behind the film (with the exception of David Gale, who's dead).


A documentary about the making of The Long Good Friday, including interviews with John Mackenzie, stars Bob Hoskins, Helen Mirren, Pierce Brosnan, producer Barry Hanson and Phil Meheux.

This documentary is featured on the Divimax Special Edition DVD for The Beastmaster (1982), released in 2005. Included in the 2020 Vinegar Syndrome Blu-ray.

This laid-back interview-laden documentary about the film Hills Have Eyes, The (1977) details the entire production of the movie. All of the financing and weather problems are explained, as well as many other difficulties on set. The interviewees also talk about their starts in the film industry, which took place in and around when the film was made.


A look behind the scenes at the making of the 1981 thriller, "Roadgames".


Documentary of the making of George A. Romero's zombie classic Day of the Dead.


The troubled production of Winter Kills (1979) is covered here in this documentary with interviews with a few cast and crew members. The film was shut down 3 times, and to save the production they had to make The American Success Company (1980) get themselves out of debt. They also talk about the first time director and the "old crew" that was used.
