Peter Allen

Reggae music is featured in this romantic thriller set in Jamaica. Stoney (Giancarlo Esposito), a photojournalist, is assigned by a U.S. music magazine to cover a battle of the bands in Jamaica. There he becomes involved with the seductive Blossom (Jasmine Guy) who works for Mr. Lee (Lucien Chen), a crime boss. Lee is planning to rob the concert box office. Blossom tries to convince Stoney to help her steal the money from Lee and escape to another island paradise. Interspersed amongst the action are many clips of the reggae bands as they musically battle it out.


The story of Peter Allen, Australia's beloved variety entertainer and songwriter. As one of the first openly gay entertainers, Allen won a unique stardom with a mainstream public which loved him for his honesty.

Luke Skywalker leads a mission to rescue his friend Han Solo from the clutches of Jabba the Hutt, while the Emperor seeks to destroy the Rebellion once and for all with a second dreaded Death Star.


As a young child, Frederic had been apprenticed to a pirate by mistake when he should have been apprenticed to a pilot. Now, having reached his 21st year, Frederic's indentures are at last over and he happily leaves the service of the pirates. When Frederic meets the beautiful Mabel, one of the many daughters (or wards in Chancery) of Major-General Stanley, they fall in love and decide to marry. However, complications arise when the pirates decide to marry the rest of the Major-General's daughters, themselves - and Frederic's birthdate turns out to be not all it seems.


Arthur is a thirty-year-old child who will inherit 750 million dollars if he complies with his family's demands and marries the woman of their choosing.
