Peter Brownbill

Follows the lives of different couples in dealing with their love lives in various loosely interrelated tales all set during a frantic few days before Christmas in Frankfurt, Germany.


Two gangsters named Lukas and Marc planned to have a nice evening in an brothel. When both of them selected their girls for the night, a bunch of demons starts to attack the brothel. The few ones who survived this attack are confronted with the daugther of the devil herself. She needs the blood of 666 victims to resurrect her father. Lukas and Marc must stop her!


Count Cagliostro, a time-traveling sorcerer masquerading as the emcee of a "punk circus" in Berlin, raises Michael Jackson from the dead to start a global revolution.


Johannes is seriously wounded during a battle in World War I and wakes up weeks later in the care of an attractive woman who leads a hermit existence and has nursed him back to health. He falls in love with the pretty woman named Levizia and soon realizes that there are some things that are not right with her. Soon after, Johannes, who has no memory of his past, is wanted as a deserter and has to flee together with Levizia. Piece by piece Levizia confronts him with the fact that his life was completely different before and that she should never love him. A confrontation with her pursuers and the compulsion of her destiny seems to become inevitable.

The Searcher, a guy who left his old life in search of the Sweet Fruits, sets out to travel into the world. In the very beginning he meets the forester, who seems to have the answer to all his questions. Unfortunately the Searcher doesn't understand anything the forester says, so he has to consult with the wise men of this world in the hope that they can give him the answers he is looking for. His Odyssey leads him on dangerous adventures around the globe until he can finally meet his destiny and uncover the secret of the Sweet Fruits.
