Peter Cookson

Two doctors try to find the cure for a fatal disease, while battling each other for the affection of a beautiful woman doctor.

Two card sharks, pretending to be brother and sister, clean out a small-town banker, then take over a crooked gambling joint.


Government agents work to interfere with schemes to trick the Comanches into war with the Texans.


B-movie film noir take on Crime and Punishment. A college student gets deeper and deeper in trouble when he takes a loan from a shady college professor.


A telephone operator (Jean Parker) plays homicide detective with her boyfriend (Peter Cookson), making it harder for the police.


This Republic programmer stars Lynne Roberts as a country gal who is slickered by a couple of city-fied jewel thieves, played by Peter Cookson and Jerome Cowan. Roberts is set up for a patsy by these two rogues, and nearly ends up in jail-and later on, narrowly escapes being rubbed out by gangsters.

In this romantic comedy, set during WW II, an newlywed army couple are unable to consummate their marriage, as on their wedding night the husband is called away to sentry duty. Later they try again, but as he has just completed a 37-mile hike, he finds himself too tired to work up any enthusiasm for conjugal bliss. Fortunately, the bride's understanding aunt intervenes with the young man's colonel and the frustrated couple is at last able to share a night of love.


A group of people are invited to a party at a creepy mansion where legend has it a ghost appears once a year.


The Andrews Sisters take a hiatus from show business to aid the war effort. They take on jobs at a pipe-organ plant now making artillery shells. But they still find time for plenty of singing and dancing.


Brash ladies' man James Dale and his partner, wisecracking Everett Northrup, are sent by Cartell & Co. jewelers to safeguard the arrival of the famous Stonehaven necklace at one of its branch offices, recently the victim of a jewel robbery.


Convinced that she has what it takes to be a detective, inquisitive secretary Kitty O'Day gets her chance to put her sleuthing skills to the test when her investment broker boss is mysteriously murdered. But Kitty's investigation hits a snag when Inspector Miles Clancy begins to suspect that she's the culprit.


Pete Sandidge, a daredevil bomber pilot, dies when he crashes his plane into a German aircraft carrier, leaving his devoted girlfriend, Dorinda, who is also a pilot, heartbroken. In heaven, Pete receives a new assignment: He is to become the guardian angel for Ted Randall, a young Army flyer. Invisibly, Pete guides Ted through flight school and into combat, but the ghostly mentor’s tolerance is tested when Ted falls for Dorinda. Ultimately however, Pete not only comes to terms with their relationship, but also acts as Dorinda’s copilot when she undertakes a dangerous bombing raid so that Ted won’t have to.
