Peter Heerschop

The quirky Dutch-Jamaican Hadiah Tromp (21) is the daughter of Navy officer Tromp, who believes his daughter is a perfect fit for the Navy. But Hadiah doesn't like her Navy training. She prefers to stay at home and listen to her collection of old Ska records. When her boyfriend cheats on her, she decides to finish her Navy training. But Hadiah has difficulties feeling at home in the disciplined and closed environment of the naval frigate and she has constant collusions with the handsome but stern Sergeant Major Paul Borremans. Can the impulsive Hadiah stand tall in the Navy world full of rules? Or is she forced to leave the ship early?


Based on the highly popular series of children books comes the cheerful film-comedy Teach! chronicling the funny misadventures of a young intern teacher at an elementary school.


Follow the adventures of the real St. Nick and all his helpers.


Following an amateur soccer match, one of the players (Peter Heerschop) looks for his ball. He finds it, cruelly floating in the middle of a brook, just out of reach. The soccer player takes things to extremes in his occasionally slapstick-like attempts to recover the ball without getting his clothes wet. And he does not make any friends doing it.


VARA exists 80 years! We celebrate this with the DVD you have in your hands. About 5 hours top entertainment from VARA's entertainment cabinet. Fragments that will take you from 1958 to now. You still remember Dorus with his mouse trap? Or the "Kopspijkers" cabaret with the song "One Day Fly", Theo Maassen with his farewell speech of Henk van den Tillaart or Harry Vermegen and Henk Spaan with Popie Jopie? That's all on this DVD, and more!

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