Peter Sluszka

Food and felonies are inseparable in Hardboiled, a stop-motion animated satire of the classic urban American crime drama.

Max and Maxine is a story about a grandfather and granddaughter, and the life-giving power of imagination. Following the surreal adventures of two lovable characters—Max and Maxine—Hornet Director Peter Sluszka creates a dreamscape world that’s bursting with imaginative life. It’s a world immersed in both metaphor and mixed media mastery. Imagination, and it’s ability to provide motivation for living and childlike wonder even in the face of terminal cancer, is the thematic thread. But it’s the technique—an irresistible implementation of stop motion using only custom-made puppets and materials—which transforms the story from simple and sweet to completely enthralling.

Four filmmakers (Peter Sluszka, Julia Pott, Guilherme Marcondes, and Santa Maria) make an animated visual accompaniment to the music in The Decemberists album, The Hazards of Love.


A dream transmits across the galaxy, eliciting a mysterious response that collapses the distance between deep space, a young girl's imagination, the dead, and the living.
