Petra Scharbach

Photographer, Cosmo, a great provincial seducer who does not miss a chance to twist young women. Even married women or widows do not miss her morbid attentions. During a frosty winter, with the country literally flooded by snow, Cosmo undertook, tired of his routine by Don Giovanni province, a strange game of seduction, made of eye-catching looks and voyeuristic hints, with a colleague of whom he is in love.


A young country girl comes to town and works in a brothel in order to help her fiance get the money to start his own business. "Paprika" is the name given to her by the madam.


An eighteen year old beautiful and restless girl runs away from home to find freedom which she much dreamed of. She come across, instead, is the unsavory characters that start on the road to prostitution.


Funny, entertaining comedy with a few storylines. All of them have one thing in common - a resort town of Rimini in Italy.


In a villa on an island (St. Peter) a little out of season, inhabit Vanessa, a young widow, and stepdaughters Kikki and alive. Vanessa had married their father above all because it was very rich. After her husband's death, Vanessa decided to keep him Alive and Kikki and also call Roberto, her former lover, now a professor with the aim of preparing the two girls to the maturity examination. Shortly after his arrival, he establishes an atmosphere heavy with half-empty Island the villa that seems almost a luxury prison do understand immediately that the stepmother and stepdaughters will hate and despise each other.
