Phanudet Watanasuchart

"Roy Rak Hak Liam Tawan," the first story of The Rising Sun series, is about a Thai lady name Praedow/Seiko who just got a scholarship from Japan for her master. Praedow's beauty impressed Takeshi, the second son of a very powerful family, Onizuka. He kept follow her but never approached her. Finally, Ryu, Takeshi cousin helped him to talk to her and their relationship started. As soon as Praedao found out that Takashi & Ryu were member of gokudō, she was scare and distances herself from them and told them to leave her alone. Takashi didn’t gave up, every day he’d go near Praedow’s class and watch her from distant. The problem is Takeshi already have fiancé, and complicated start when his dad and brother died from a car bomb, he had to become an Oyabun the head of Onizuka's gang, but he announced he will not marry his fiancé until he revenges his dad & brother’s death. However, Aiko, his fiancé found out that he was in love with Praedow so she order the gangster to kidnap her then Takeshi went to rescue her and problem's begun once he took her in and announced that she is his mistress....As he is becoming the head of the family, people are attacking his weakest point, his love one. She becomes a prey and a mark for all his enemies. What will Praedow do? Will she stay with him? What about Takeshi love for her?

Sudsakorn is a curious young man, raised in the ancient traditions of magic by his mystical grandfather. He never knew his farther. His mother, a beautiful mermaid is pained by his sadness, so sends him on a quest to find his father. Armed with his grandfather's magical weaponry Sudsakorn sets off into the mysterious world of yore on his trusty steed, Ma Nin Mangkorn, a half dragon , half horse. What starts as a simple quest soon turns into an amazing adventure, Sudsakorn encounters a heinous and deadly creature, and must use his magical powers to defeat the foul beast, and continue his journey. The display of power doesn't go unnoticed and Sudsakorn is persuaded to fight monsters and demons by the king of an ancient city. With his new found mission to protect the innocent, but can Sudsakorn 's power last, or will the forces of evil defeat him before he finds his father? Sudsakorn must fight to stay alive before be too falls victim the treachery of the ancient world.
