Phil Dunham

After a rapid engagement, a dowdy daughter of a chemist weds an industrialist, knowing little of his family or past. He transforms her into an elegant society wife, but becomes enraged whenever she asks about Michael, his mysterious long-lost brother.


An obscure entry in the musical Western cycle, Swing, Cowboy, Swing was produced by and starred country & western bandleader Cal Shrum. Shrum and his band, the Rhythm Rangers, are warned away from playing a theater in Big Bend by Cal's brother, Walt Shrum and his Colorado Hillbillies. Ignoring the warning, the Rhythm Rangers arrive at the theater only to be shot at by a masked stranger. With the help of stranded vaudeville performer Max "Alibi" Terhune and his dummy Elmer, Cal manages to catch the mystery shooter who turns out to be Frank Lawson (Frank Ellis). The film apparently did not generate enough interest for a series, but was re-released by Astor Pictures in 1949 under the title Bad Man From Big Bend.

After a payroll robbery the Mesquiteers catch up with the gang. But the members escape, the gang leader is killed, and they end up with only the leaders young son who is quickly sent to a work farm. They adopt the boy hoping to learn where the money is. Just as their kindness is about to pay off a gang member takes the boy away forcing him to retrieve the money. - Written by Maurice VanAuken


Bill Underwood falls out with his father and chooses the life of a cowhand rather than take charge of his father's stage line.


The Range Busters head for Pinto Basin where a series of stage robberies have occurred. To try and find the gang's boss, Crash sends out a empty money box. The plan backfires when the boss has the Range Busters identified as the robbers. Thinking it is now safe, the bank sends out a big money shipment. Needing to rob the stage, the boss gets the boys out of jail so they can be blamed. But this is just the chance they need to catch the robbers.


With the Government Remount Service unable to meet it's quota of horses, Marshal Fred Martin arrives to try and find the rustlers. Apparently just a singing cowhand dressed in white, he becomes the masked Two Gun Troubador dressed in black when he goes after the outlaws. He quickly learns Tex Walters is the leader of the gang but he must find out who is the big boss that gives Walters his orders.

In Springdale, a small town near New York, taxi driver Brick Tennant and his friend Joe Linden are unjustly accused of a hideous crime and blindly convicted by those who are only interested in feeding the voracious machinery of an inhumane justice system.


A carefree playboy with an aversion to marriage falls for a lass he meets in the French Alps.


A wagon train crossing the plains comes across the remains of other wagon trains that have been attacked by looters. Soon they too are attacked.


A couple inherits a college and to generate revenue offers a thousand dollars to players for each touchdown they score.


When it appears that Fred Jamison is a member of Red's gang, he is kicked out of the Rangers. But it's just a plot between Fred and the Ranger Captain. Fred then gets into Red's gang and makes plans that will enable the Rangers to bring them all in. But his message to the Captain is intercepted and the hoax revealed.


Lem Schofield, a lawyer in a one-time small-town turned industrialized big city, runs his firm on examples set by Abraham Lincoln and is a friend to the poor. Clay Clinton, his late partner's son joins the firm but is anxious for fast success and considers Schofield's old-fashioned principles antiquated. Being in love with Schofield's daughter and impatient for success he moves to offices supplied by the city's most powerful industrialist, J.T. Tapley, who has plans to use Clay's good family lineage as a stepping stone to political power. The unscrupulous Tapley precipitates a strike in his factory mill which causes a rupture between the former partners. Schofield sets out to bring Tapley and his political henchmen to justice.


Tex has been sent to investigate the theft of government provisions along the border. Kildare is the leader of the outlaw gang and has his men posing as Indians. He has already killed the incoming Marshal and assumed his identity. When Tex asks too many questons, he plans to get rid of him also.


High-school principal Dr. Alfred Carroll relates to an audience of parents that marijuana can have devastating effects on teens. In his story, a drug supplier entices several restless teens, including sister and brother Mary and Jimmy Lane and Mary's boyfriend, Bill, into frequenting a "reefer" house. Gradually, Bill and Jimmy are drawn into smoking dope, which affects their family lives and leads to a terrible crime.


A theatrical producer puts aside his own success to boost the career of a talented singer.


An undercover police woman poses as a nighclub entertainer to catch the main man behind the racketeers going on around Harlem. Meanwhile two men are falling for her.


When mild mannered Friendly Fields is sent to the Blair ranch to work, he is mistaken for the notorious outlaw Blackie Burke. When a drought develops and the ranchers look for new grazing land, he plays the part and forces them to give he best plot to his boss Miss Blair. But no sooner than his mother arrives to expose the hoax, the real Blackie also arrives.


A federal agent and a female reporter team up to catch a criminal gang that has kidnapped a scientist in order to get his formula for a new type of poison gas.


Idaho, returning to the area he left as a boy, gets in the middle of a range feud. He takes the side of Endicott. On the other side is Hollister who is unaware that Idaho is his long lost son.


The DVD for this film bears the title "The Lure of Hollywood". Marian Nixon plays a girl who doesn't want to settle for second best. She is offered chance to be a model and jumps at it. Her boyfriend is upset--he just wants to marry her and settle down to a life of domestic bliss. But she has stars in her eyes--and soon learns to use publicity to create a new movie star persona. Throughout all this, the sappy boyfriend is always waiting nearby--hoping that she'll come to her senses and give up this new life.


After having been gone for some time, a cowboy comes home to his ranch to find himself up against a gang involved in smuggling Chinese into the country.


An old miner is ambushed by outlaws trying to steal the $10,000 he is carrying to start up a new mine. A passing cowboy comes to the miner's aid, but winds up getting blamed for the attack.


Jim Cole, heir to a mining operation, takes over the mine, which is suffering from unexplained low production, and is facing a strike by the miners. Jim will soon loose the mine if production doesn't increase and the sabotage continues. Mary Norsen, office-secretary, accidentally learns of a plot by Fred Johnson to wreck the mine and force Cole to sell his coal-mine. She and her brother, Joe, join Cole in his fight to stop Johnson.


A Newspaper Man wants to be a detective !


Martin Granville Jr. (Bruce Bennett), a star track-and-field athlete, has intentions of going to Claxton College, but changes his mind when he meets Pat Meredith (Jeanne Martel), a co-ed at a rival college, changes his mind team and goes to college there, just as his father Martin GRanville Sr. (Sam Flint), an alum of the school, had wished. But his father has ordered him not to play football. "Dad" Granville, has offered a $100,000 endowment to his old school, not knowing his son has joined the football team, but is going to withdraw it if his son plays in the Big Game against Claxton.


Cheyenne rides into Durango and runs into his old enemy Kelton. Kelton's game is to bring his safe to a town without a bank and let the townspeople put their valuables in it. Then he grabs the loot and flees. But Cheyenne is on to his scheme and finding the safe empty, gets the Sheriff to join in the chase.


A rodeo rider (Hoot Gibson) works himself into two different 'gangs' in order to end a range war over.


Big city gangster muscle in on ranch territory with a cattle protection racket. Out to stop them is federal agent Jack Perrin.


Two brothers are separated when young. One becomes the pony express rider Clint Knox and the other the outlaw Ace Carter.


Baritone singer Barry Glendon, completing a successful season in opera, departs for his ranch in the west over the objections of his manager Tony. Arriving there with his double-talking friend Shorty, Barry learns that a parcel of his vast ranch has been fraudulently sold to Carol Marland and her ailing (and tiresome) young brother Johnny. Pretending he is only the foreman, and having his cowhands go along with it,Barry allows Carol and her whining, growing-ever-more-tiresome brother to believe that they are the actual owners in order to give him a free hand in running down the swindlers who victimized Carol who, with a brother like hers, was a victim to begin with.Barry learns that brothers Clem and Jonas Allen are the villains and,through a ruse in which they are led to believe there is a hidden treasure on the land they sold Carol, they try to buy it back bidding against Barry, who forces the price up.


A rancher caught in the middle of a bank robbery shoots one of the robbers. However, the dead bandit turns out to be a former ranch hand who was suing him. The rancher is arrested for murder.


Prison escapee Utah Evans kills Sheriff McClay. Joe Norton was McClay's predecessor and sent Utah to prison. Ma McClay having taken over as Sheriff for her husband, now gets Joe to return. Joe sets out to get Utah and Utah, learning Joe is after him, hopes to get revenge for being sent to prison.


Leon's ex-wife moves into the apartment next to him.


Left only with their yacht after going broke in the Great Depression, a high-society family sets sail for the South Seas. Screwball comedy, with songs.


Bobby Clark and Paul McCullough take to the streets as pots and pans salesmen, wreaking havoc door to door with their demonstrations of their cookware.


After being fired from his job at the Marriage License Bureau, a clerk turns to matchmaking.


At Phwitterby-on-Thames, England, a murder has occurred and Philo Holmes and Dr. Watkins are out to investigate it. Seems as if there is a second will and changes have been made in who will receive what. Philo is the ace detective, and he brings everyone from the nightclub to see him solve the case.


Jim Fowler is Western University's football hero and is constantly besieged by reporters. Jim's father Ezra comes to visit him and becomes reacquainted with an old Western football chum, Mr. Chandler, who happens to be the father of Jim's girlfriend Joan. Jim keeps his roommate, Andy, busy by sending him to collect money on their laundry concessions business, even though Andy is desperately trying to meet his girlfriend Thelma, who has just come for a visit. When the coach tells Chandler and Fowler that Jim is nervous and erratic, Chandler invites Jim to spend the night before the big game at his home.


A cowboy on the run from a posse finds the clothes and ID of a preacher on the trail. He assumes the man's identity, but when he arrives at the nearest town, he rides into the middle of a hanging--and the man who is being hanged knows his real identity.


A half a million dollars has been stolen and stashed away and prison inmate Dutch knows where it is. So Government Agent Joe goes to prison and makes friends with Dutch. When Joe breaks them out, Dutch leads them to the money only to find it gone. But Dutch's old gang is on hand and they haven't found it either.


An emergency at his Aunt's ranch gets Ed Randall leave from the Navy. He returns to find the water cut off and her note due the next day. When the man he seeks legal advice from is murdered, Ed is accused and he now finds himself in jail with a lynch mob forming outside.


Charles 'Chic' Sale gets in the middle of a train robbery!

Boy who thought his father a war hero finds he was really a deserter.


A dinner involving two couples gets complicated.

Life and activity at a hotel. Slapstick-style.

A comedy short all about finding the right type of dog for a Hollywood movie.

Two reel comedy starring Al St. John


A homeowner takes delivery of his new radio. The crate is so big that the front door needs to be widened by about a yard. No problem when you've got a saw! In spite of the size of the crate, the radio turns out to be regular tabletop size. Further installation requires punching a big hole in the roof. That's when the downpour starts, filling the bungalow with water. Finally, the radio is working in spite of the torrent falling from the ceiling. The weather broadcast announces clear skies today. Let the fisticuffs commence!

Lige Conley is a newspaper reporter covering a demonstration of a new invention to some money-men. The inventors boss wants to get the credit for the device and crosses the wires so that it doesn't work right. Lige's sweetheart is the daughter of the inventor, and Lige sets out to help out.

Phil and Lou inherit property left by an eccentric uncle with the provision they occupy the house for thirty days. But their cousin, Anita, wants the property for herself and, with several hired-henchmen, sends "ghost" after "ghoul" through the house after the boys arrive.

Comedy starring one of the most prolific but underrated comedians of the silent era, Al St John.

Two "correspondence romance" suitors prepare to meet their respective partners for the first time; mixups ensue.


A slapstick comedy short directed by Jules White starring Phil Dunham.

Amos, a Boston beanery owner inherits a restaurant out West and goes out to make his fortune. Unfortunately, the local card sharps take his last dime and show him up for a tenderfoot. So Amos sets out to become a gunslinger.

Alice and Phil's happy home is disrupted when their furniture is being repossessed by a huge bullying workman. To placate him, they try being nice and inviting him to dine with them, but fighting breaks out and the bully pretends to be murdered when a cop shows up, and Phil is sent to jail.

The proprietor of the Crowing Rooster Inn was a bad man, but he went one too many when he stole the airship model from the War Department, for they were on his trail immediately. The head waitress discovered the workshop where the proprietor was having the model duplicated and she was bribed not to say anything about what she saw. She started out with the bribe money to buy some gewgaws for herself, but she got in the road of a passing auto. Unfortunately, the auto contained the young Secret Service agent.

Two men are vying for the favours of Gaby. One of them takes her for a motorcycle ride, the other in his car. When the second man manages to marry her, the first takes his revenge. He calls the police, and takes the newlyweds along on a kamikaze ride in his car, chased by the police.

Much to the delight of the simple old father, his daughter becomes engaged to a big-hearted mountaineer. He builds their hut in the wilderness, and she is happy, though she often dreams of the great world outside. Then comes the intruder from the city, a man of the world. He obtains hoard at the girl's home. He blinds her eyes to the beautiful things of the; woods with his talk of pretty places and things of the great world without. He tempts and wins her away from the big-hearted backwoodsman. The young mountaineer, who has been working on his cabin, returns and finds the old man dozing and the girl gone.

Lillian is an unfortunate woman. After leaving her baby at the door of a hospital she meets David, the author of her misfortune. It is a case of starvation or the "easiest way." She chooses the "easiest way." After eighteen years she again shows up, a social outcast and a tool for David's black profession.

Dr. Frank Rosslyn, known to the world as a prominent physician, is in reality the head of a quack medical concern which dispenses patent medicines and advertises extensively.

Jacques watched through an opening in the foliage and saw Gilbert of the mounted police and his own wife exchange pleasant greetings. From that moment he hated the police officer. Gilbert was too fine-looking.

Counters Betty Ardmore inherits from an uncle a large mining property in the United States. At the advice of her counselor she comes to America to personally superintend the conduct of her property. Her brother, a dissolute fellow, is left out of the inheritance, but at his solicitation and promise to reform, she takes him with her.

The girl has three suitors: a young Mexican, who symbolizes love, a cripple, who symbolizes devotion, and a wealthy haciendiero, who symbolizes wealth. Despite the protests of Love and the pain of Devotion, the girl is given in marriage to Wealth by her father. A year lapses and the girl has suffered by her father's choosing. Wealth is faithless to her and heaps upon her head humiliation and indignity and finally brutality. Love returns to her and after listening to her story swears that he will kill Wealth, but Devotion restrains him with the advice that if he kills Wealth he can never have the girl. To insure the girl's happiness Devotion kills Wealth himself and then takes his own life.

A young mountaineer loves Dorothy, daughter of a backwoodsman. An artist comes into the district to paint and falls in love with Lucille, Dorothy's sister. Dorothy is interested in the artist on account of her sister's love for him, and she poses.

A story of the inside life of nomads who live in the shadow of civilization, worshiping their own goods and clinging to their ancient rites.

Two brothers live together in the Kentucky mountains. Wally, the younger, is a wood-cutter, while Phil is a cripple. The brothers receive word from a city physician that Phil can recover from his infirmity only by means of an operation which will cost $800. The amount, however, is far larger than they ever expect to own at one time. In the meantime, Nan Leslie, of the U.S. Revenue Service, is detailed to go into the mountain districts of Kentucky and get evidence against a gang of moonshiners.

Lieut. Wallace leaves his fiancée, Dorothy West, to cross the border with his troops into Mexico. Later he is wounded, captured and taken to the hacienda of the Mexican officer, Senor Paranze, where his wounds are dressed by Senora Paranze. The latter falls in love with the American when he defends her from her brutal husband.

The woman has been leading an adventurous life. Her admirer grows tired and casts her off. She departs and sinks down in the street, tired mentally and bodily. The artist is painting the Madonna. His model fails to give him the inspiration needed and he discharges her. Passing down the street he observes the woman with the beautiful tired face, speaks to her and finally persuades her to go with him and be his model and embrace a better life. The painting is finished. The woman has supplied the inspiration. She tires and longs for the old, merry life. She meets the tempter once more and goes with him to his home.

Frank Graham, rich mine owner, is fatally injured by an explosion. On his death bed he confides to his friend, Jim Blake, all his plans concerning his daughter, Angela's, future. He makes him promise to watch over her. His fortune he places in the hands of his brother, a New York banker, to be held in trust for his daughter until her wedding day; the fact of her being an heiress to be kept secret in order to insure her safety from fortune-hunters.

Wallace's mother is the faded rose, his wife the pink rose and his mistress the red rose.

Two friends, Tad and Jack, are conversing with each other at the Club, when Dr. Matthews, the wealthiest man in town, enters. In contemplating the rich man, the two young men speculate as to whether or not, with all his wealth, he is happy. The argument leads them to a wager. Tad bets $1,000 that there is something in the physician's life he would hate to have known, and that as a consequence he is unhappy. Jack accepts the bet.

This is a story of the love of two brothers for the same girl.

A man is a fugitive from the law. A reward of $2,000 is offered for his capture. A large posse is on his trail. Weary, hungry and haunted, the refugee is slowly but surely being hemmed in.

For five years Dorothy had put up with her husband although all his refinement, delicacy and love had long since been drowned in drink. Dorothy had reached the turning point. She answered an advertisement calling for a leading woman to accompany a repertoire show west. She was given the position and that night left.

Held and Brady are fellow officers of the mounted police, and both love the same girl, while Brady's affection is overshadowed by a deep hatred for his rival. The two men are dispatched into the surrounding forests to look for timber fires.

Dorothy and her father have staked all their hopes on their mine. While they are awaiting the arrival of Mr. Reid, who is to report on the value of the mine, Pedro, a Mexican, makes familiar advances to Dorothy and is sternly repulsed. Reid arrives and a mutual attraction springs up between himself and Dorothy, to the chagrin of Pedro.

An old arrowmaker's daughter, while at the stream, meets a brave from another tribe. They become enamored of each other in the sudden positive way of the savage, and agree to meet at sunset. The chief of the tribe to which the girl belongs, covets and demands her of her father. The father consents, but the girl rebels. At sunset, she meets her lover and tells him what her fate is to be. He tells her that when the moon shines, he will come for her and take her away.