Philippe Bas

Thirsty one night stands, confused straight boys, rooftop confessions and a ménage-à-trois that explodes with hilarious results - it's all just part of the package in this latest offering of spirited story-telling from our Gallic friends. The short films are: Discreet [Scred] (2017); Distinguished Feelings [Sentiments distingués] (2019); Rue des Roses (2012); First Love [Premier amour] (2021); The Edge [4 fromages] (2019); Without Transition [Sans transition] (2021); Fragile [Babtou fragile] (2021).

Paul Vilar, a former officer in the Special Forces, is a specialist in survival and extreme sports. Separated from his wife, he hopes to get closer to his 17-year-old daughter, Sarah, while hiking in the mountains. However, things are not going to work out as he had planned.

Valentine is convinced she’s in love with Jérôme, her best friend and work partner. She decides to share her feelings with him while they’re away in Bora Bora on a business trip. But there’s a bad surprise in store: Jérôme’s new girlfriend, Céleste, has decided to tag along. Valentine will have to put up a real fight to win over the love of her life, under the amused gaze of Marc, their guide in the “lovers’ paradise.” But as the days roll by, Valentine realizes she was wrong about Jérôme, and discovers true love elsewhere…


Young couple recently married. Soon a child comes. Perfect happiness. For their honeymoon, Emma and David chose a house in the forest. But the escapade turns to drama: attacked by a masked man, Emma escapes to death. For the police, no doubt, David is the No. 1 suspect: his strange refusal to cooperate, his unexplained absence at the time of the facts, the testimony of a neighbor, the fortune he would inherit ... Doubt interferes in the spirit of Emma. Does she really know the man she married?


Hervé is a lonely man who lives only for his self-defense courses. Fired from the zoo where he works because he depresses the animals, he becomes a night watchman in a factory. To pass the time, he watches the comings and goings of a strange pair of lovers: his colleague and his wife who sells her body with her husband's blessing.


It is fathers day and Mehdi is impatient to see his daughter. He now lives a perfect love with a man, Axel. Will offering her a princess dree be enough for her to accept this situation? Five years later, Alison comes back, this time she has a gift.


Saturday 24th December 1994. Four GIA terrorists hijack an Air France A300 Airbus at the Algiers airport. The Airbus, bound for Paris, has 227 passengers on board. No one knows exactly what the terrorists’ intentions are, just that they are armed and extremely determined. They demand the liberation of their “brothers in arms” and want the aircraft to take off at once. After very lengthy and intense negotiations between the French and Algerian governments, the plane is finally allowed to leave. There are three main characters at the heart of the action: a member of the GIGN, Carole Jeanton, an ambitious technocrat willing to do anything it takes to achieve personal gain from the events, and Yahia Abdallah, a determined jihadist who grew up in the slums of Algiers and was being manipulated by an obscure GIA envoy, Ali Touchent.


Chloé Saint-Laurent is a profiler and works with a police team to solve murders in Paris. She's very sweet, she wears very colored clothes and a huge yellow bag. She looks like a little girl who need a doll, but she's very smart and a very good profiler. Step by step, she fit in the team and her colleagues, very reserved at first, became her best friends.


With an abandoned train station as their haunt and an endless supply of hitchhikers to provide sustenance, a lovely lesbian vampire duo seduces then savages their victims in this erotic gore fest from director David R. Williams. Things get complicated for the ladies, though, when one of them falls in love with an intended victim and a pair of scholars of urban decay decide to explore the bloodsuckers' lair.


Jérôme and Benjamin are two young skateboarders whose carefree existence is turned upside down when they witness the murder of a drug dealer. Rumbled by the assassins they manage to escape. Taking refuge in a police station they then discover that the criminals are actually the crooked cops. Then begins a relentless chase through the streets of Paris as Jérôme and Benjamin attempt to outwit their unscrupulous pursuers... Utilising real Paris locations and two of France's top street skaters, Skate Or Die is an adrenalin rush thriller for the Red Bull generation.


On the day that his son fails his baccalaureate, Michel loses his job. He has been employed at the same factory for twenty years and now he has no job, no qualifications, no prospects. Michel soon realises that the only way he is going to get another job is by first passing his baccalaureate. So, he goes back to school, with his friend Gérard, who is in the same position. Naturally, Michel’s son is not at all pleased to find himself in the same class as his dad...


Parisian authorities clash with the Front de Libération Nationale (FLN) in director Alain Tasma’s recounting of one of the darkest moments of the Algerian War of Independence. As the war wound to a close and violence persisted in the streets of Paris, the FLN and its supporters adopted the tactic of murdering French policemen in hopes of forcing a withdrawal. When French law enforcement retaliated by brutalizing Algerians and imposing a strict curfew, the FLN organizes a peaceful demonstration that drew over 11,000 supporters, resulting in an order from the Paris police chief to take brutal countermeasures. Told through the eyes of both French policemen as well as Algerian protestors, Tasma’s film attempts to get to the root of the tragedy by presenting both sides of the story.


When the young detective Paul Nerteaux finds the third slashed female corpse of illegal Turkish immigrants, he decides to ask for support to the experienced dark retired detective Jean-Louis Schiffer to chase the serial killer. Together, they infiltrate in the Turkish mafia trying to find the answer to the crimes. Meanwhile, the worker Anna Heymes is being submitted to a brain treatment and has severe headaches and glimpses of memories and visions. When these two parallel events collide, disclose that the Turkish organization "The Wolves" is behind them.


Michel Vaillant is # 1 of pilots, undisputed champion in rallying in all circuits in the world. His success arouses admiration and envy. Ruth Wong, director of Team Leader, is determined to break his streak and avenge the memory of his father, founder of Leader. She is capable of anything to achieve her goal.


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Caroline, a professional horse driver, learns she has breast cancer. Avoiding dealing with it, she runs off to Switserland for a championship. Her husband, Julien, is a judge who has just given a young criminal, Pierre, leave for the day. On her way to Switserland, Caroline meets Pierre and brings him along as her horse groom. When Julien finds out about the cancer, he follows his wife to Switserland


Nicholas is the eldest son of a wealthy suburban family, whose businesswoman mother makes deals from a helicopter and has an affair with her business partner. His cheerful, alcoholic father, on the other hand, is reduced to a prisoner in his room with his devoted dog and electric train set. Unbeknownst to his parents, Nicholas works as a window cleaner and dish washer in a Parisian cafe. He is also in love with the daughter of another cafe's owner, who, however, has an abusive boyfriend. One night, Nicholas sneaks a few drunken drifters into his family wine cellar and his father unexpectedly takes a liking to the stranger.


A widowed British businessman takes the job as a butler of a manor house in France to keep memories of his late French wife. His life takes a turn as he navigates the eccentric behavior of the lady of the manor and the household staff.