Pierre-André Boutang

In what way can reflecting on worlds very far from our own, either in space or time, bear relevance for us today? Is there a scientific legacy - a before and after Lévi-Strauss - in anthropology? This documentary retraces the intellectual path of the author of "Tristes tropiques" ("A World on the Wane") and "La Pensée sauvage" ("The Savage Mind"), Claude Lévi-Strauss. The anthropologist and founder of structural anthropology in France is portrayed via numerous selected extracts of interviews he has given since the 1960s. The film is a fascinating introduction into the mind of a man who is interested in all men. Lévi-Strauss has great confidence (in spite of a pessimistic view of our contemporary world) in the creative capacities of the human mind.


Examines the public scandal and private tragedy which led to legendary director Roman Polanski's sudden flight from the United States.


Based on the Spanish artist's diaries, sketches and paintings, Pierre Philippe's film for the international documentary strand charts 13 days in the life of Pablo Picasso. Events include the death of a friend, his marriage, the birth of his daughter Maya, the bombing of Guernica and the death of Joseph Stalin.

The eight-hour series of interviews between Gilles Deleuze and Claire Parnet, filmed by Pierre-André Boutang in 1988-1989.


Serge Daney, the most influential film critic after André Bazin, interviewed by Régis Debray a few months before his death.


It is a brief documentary which records the life of five Augustinian monks in the little monastery of Castelnuovo dell'Abate, a Tuscan village, as well as the everyday life of people in the small town, from farmers to meat-hackers, from wine-makers to wild boar hunters.


On april 24 1982 when Orson Welles was invited to Paris to receive the Légion d'honneur from François Mitterand a lively filmed interview took place in the french Cinémathèque.

Television documentary about the making of Roman Polanski's 1979 film, Tess.

Philippe Noiret plays a rich, Parisian banker whose daughter, Carolina, is kidnapped by a ruthless organization. They threaten to have her abused by the sadistic clients of a brothel they run if Father doesn’t pay the ransom on time.
