Pierre Badel

They're broke and they're going on vacation in a cave, an economical solution...

It's time to discover, beyond the old naive clichés that the life of Joan of Arc has perpetuated through the centuries and the world, a strong, laughing girl, a courageous peasant, and a great and resilient fighter.


Carmen, presented in a production at the French Opera House.


A filmed version of Molière's play.

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Le Bourgeois gentilhomme satirizes attempts at social climbing and the bourgeois personality, poking fun both at the vulgar, pretentious middle-class and the vain, snobbish aristocracy. The title is meant as an oxymoron: in Molière's France, a "gentleman" was by definition nobly born, and thus there could be no such thing as a bourgeois gentleman.


The swaggering Petruchio agrees to marry the spitting hellcat, Katherine.


Adaptation for TV of the Dino Buzzati play "Un caso clinico". A modern Kafkaesque horror story in which medical specialists and machinery destroy a perfectly healthy man.

In a small circus campaign, the act of Valentine, the dwarf, is one of the highlights of the show. But then one night, he grew suddenly and turns into a handsome young man of six feet tall. First mad with joy, he will face harsh reality of normality.