Pierre Lindstedt

Renowned journalist Torgny Segerstedt declares war against Hitler as he criticizes Swedish politicians who tried to look away from the tyranny of the Nazis with the good excuse of “neutralism”. His only weapon is his pen and his life is full of gossip such as an affair with his boss’ wife, a love scandal with a secretary younger than his daughter, and the suicide of his wife. However, he continues to fight a one man battle against Hitler and the Nazi regime until his death, throwing the question “Can one person really change history?” to the audience.


Very different lives, becomes interweaved during what seems like an ordinary day. Franzis Namazi is a newly arrived immigrant from Gambia to Sweden. He is about to give up on his little store selling African art. Karin Carlsson-Said is a lawyer who is about to enter a new important step in her career as a lawyer. Her husband Moses must send money to his hospitalized father in Uganda, but there are problems with the transaction and has issues with keeping up his work as a Social Worker. Bosse is the TV star who finds out he has been fired off his own show and finds his young wife with another man, Hakan is a charming celebrity with an alcohol problem and now once again needs help from his lawyer Karin Carlsson-Said.


Every year, Albert buys his daughter an initiatory journey to a European country. For her 17th birthday he chooses a trip to Sweden to look for a Viking's treasure. When they arrive in the rented house, it is occupied by Anika and Christine, forcing them into an unusual cohabitation.


In a time of social change and unrest, war and poverty, a young working class woman, Maria, wins a camera in a lottery. The decision to keep it alters her whole life.


The brothers Sven-Erik (Sven-E, Lennart Jähkel), Jan-Erik (Jan-E, Jacob Nordenson) and Olof (Olle, Tomas Norstrom) is working as guards in the black piste Lien. Their father, Big-Erik (Sten Ljunggren), has died and the funeral will take resort manager, Bengt-His, at last the courage to invite the piste guard's mother Gudrun at a wedding trip. Jan-E looks forward to the great legacy of his father, and prepares for a new life in luxury. It's not as he imagined. Large-Erik was not at all the Sven-E cheated in his brothers that he was, and Jan-E becomes so furious about the lies that he leaves home. When everything collapsed, and it is darkest in the Black Lien, however, occurs which turns piste guards life to an entirely different direction. This while a bloodthirsty beast sneaking around in the darkness outside. The three brothers face greater trials than ever before.


Rune, a middle aged working class man, has lost his wife, his dog and his job, and now the city management wants to dig up his lawn in order to provide broadband for the neighborhood. Unfortunately, Rune recently buried his dog close to the road, right where they are going to dig. It's all too much for him, so he stubbornly decides to stop the digging, even if he has to sleep on the lawn.


When her mother died, 10 year old girl Misa's world stopped. And when her father, along with her new girlfriend, wants to spend the summer in the Swedish province Skåne she refuses to come with them. Misa's father reluctantly agrees that Misa stays with her grandmother in Arjeplog over the summer instead. In the deep forest of northern Sweden Misa find more than she ever could imagine; she meets a wolf with cubs that Misa develop a deep and strange connection with. But the wolf spreads fear in the small village and someone has hired a poacher to kill it and her cubs...


Det började en dag när låset till dasset trilskades och Pettson blev inlåst och sur. Så sur att han ville ha Findus att städa upp efter sig. Men med ett brev till Kungen, som enligt Findus faktiskt är den som bestämmer, tror han sig kunna övertyga Pettson om att små katter faktiskt inte behöver städa. Medans Findus väntar på svar får han och gubben allsköns spännande besök: ängsliga älgar, stabbiga tigrar, prilliga rymdhöns och en och annan "oförskämt" bortglömd släkting. Men något svar från Kungen får Findus inte. Eller...?


Gubben Pettson och katten Findus är nere vid sjön och fiskar. Det blåser upp, börjar snöa och blir mörkt. Vilse i stormen tvingas de söka skydd i en igloo av fiskblock och där inne berättar de om året som gått.


Set on a remote island, where the sorcerer Prospero, rightful Duke of Milan, plots to restore his daughter Miranda to her rightful place using illusion and skillful manipulation. He conjures up a storm, the eponymous tempest, to cause his usurping brother Antonio and the complicit King Alonso of Naples to believe they are shipwrecked and marooned on the island. There, his machinations bring about the revelation of Antonio's lowly nature, the redemption of the King, and the marriage of Miranda to Alonso's son, Ferdinand.


An engineer and his 5-year old son Rasmus are kidnapped by a group who wants to get their hands on the engineer's latest invention. Three kids become witnesses to the kidnapping and decide to follow the kidnappers to an island and attempt to make a rescue.


13 year old Kim feels at home in the wilderness. One night, nature's soul appears to him in the form of an Indian, and designates him nature's protector.


Mysteriet på Greveholm was the 1996 Swedish Julkalender. It was released on VHS in October 1997 and on DVD 19 November 2001. It was voted as the best Julkalender ever in Aftonbladet in 2007. A video game with the same name was released in 1997, and two sequels in 1998 and 2000. The 2012 Julkalender, Grevens återkomst, is a sequel to Mysteriet på Greveholm.


A feisty five-year-old girl Lotta decides to move away from home. And no, she doesn't want to put on the stupid sweater.


Göran buys a house in a suburb. It is in need of some repairs but Göran believes himself capable of repairing it himself and with the help of some cheap craftsmen. However, the house is much worse than he thought. At the same time, a gang of crooks is searching for the dynamite the hid in the basement some time ago. Göran has to rescue both his wallet from greedy craftsmen as well as his marriage with Tina,


Interviews with and about Carl-Gustaf Lindstedt interspersed with clips from his old performances. Recorded to celebrate his 70th birthday, which would be his last.

A thriller in three parts about violence and solidarity. Two young aid workers see something they should not see.

For a salary equivalent to ten years' salary recruited seven construction workers to perform work on an unknown unknown for an unknown purpose. They may find out two things, first, that it will be a Swedish midsummer which seems strange since it is December and soon Christmas in Sweden as well as former workers there have had problems with "visions" and that they had better confine themselves and concentrate on reality. After a few hours drive blindfolded, they arrived at their new workplace where it is supposed that they should spend a year. And it is high summer, mosquitoes, flowers and the whole ballet is waiting for them when they step off the car.


The young nobleman Inge is riding through Sweden, looking for his twin brother, Arild. He meets a group of gypsies who welcome him. They met Arild earlier and believe that the brother is Arild. Inge falls in love with the mysterious girl Isis.


It's the early 20s, just after World War I. In Sweden, restrictions on alcohol are harder than most people like and so, smuggling is abundant. In this particular little town, smuggling is ruled by one man, who is the king of smugglers. The smugglers who work for him don't get to keep much of the profit themselves, but if they don't work for him, they get in trouble, which his henchmen make sure. However, Albert Jansson arrives in town and starts taking up the competition with the smuggler king. Meanwhile, the police, together the customs office, try to catch the smugglers.


Hjalle and his colleague get over a large amount of money at a break. This changes their lives to a more luxurious existence, but one day, Hjalle meets a woman who has good contact with God, and this affects Hjalle's conscience ...


"The Scam" - A truck driver and his job colleagues figures out how to make the smart move, on their many trips to Finland: Tinkering with cargo pallets that can be sold illegal.


One Monday morning a thousand children leave the suburb Farsta and goes to Stockholm to occupy the Royal Castle. The children have formed a group called S.O.P.O.R. as a protest against the way adults treat children and how the adults have destroyed the future for their children. They demand that the robots in the industry are replaced by humans to create job opportunities. They take the royal family as hostages.


A mother is taken to a hospital and the town council wants to split up her children and put them in foster homes, but the children have a diffrent plan. They set out on a epic journey down thru Sweden, from Lappland down to Stockholm in search of their father. They encounter many people on their journey and make new friends while trying too elude the police.


Set against the backdrop of the 1909 general strike, Hjördis is employed as a housemaid in a wealthy Stockholm family.


Nursing a piglet back to life because it´s the runt of the litter earns Emil a friend for life.


Steve works as a locksmith and one day he meets Lotta in his work. After helping her get back into her apartment they decide to see each other again. Though they are dating Steve still goes out with other girls, and in situations like this a big city quickly becomes a small town.


The Plot focuses on Dante Alighieri, a young man who loves smoking. When his father dies Dante inherits $17 million on one special condition: He must give up smoking in 14 days and then stay smoke-free for an entire year. If he fails, his uncle inherits the $17 million instead. Dante has a living hell while trying to quit, and hires a private detective agency called Little Secret Service who he gives free hands to stop him from smoking, While his uncle, who has taken up smoking himself, also does everything he can to make Dante smoke again.


A Swedish immigrant family struggles to adapt to their new life on the American frontier during the second half of the 19th century amidst civil war, native uprising and the lure of gold in California.


A Swedish peasant family, ravaged by poverty, privation and misery in mid-19th century Sweden, set out on a perilous journey to America in hope of a better life.


Kalle Utter is more interested in student life's happy sides and less for examinations and exams. One summer he takes a work as an informer at a castle. A time the noble family will never forget.

A 1969 Swedish drama film directed by Bo Widerberg. It depicts the 1931 Ådalen shootings, in which Swedish military forces opened fire against labour demonstrators in the Swedish sawmill district of Ådalen, killing five people, including a young girl.


A nudists hardships outdoors.