Pierre Ménès

Each time he wakes up, a young man appears in a new reality in which he would have another life. Amnesiac, or something more, from his past, how will he get out of this nightmare? or how to get back to the day where he fall in love...

"Saint-Loin-la-Mauderne", a tiny village hurt by the financial crisis and the desertification. Its last hope : Start back the Smoked Salmon factory. The only issue : Insurances require a permanent doctor on site. But it s has been 5 years the previous doctor retired without setting a replacement. The whole village,supporting their surly major Germain, will try everything to convince the very Parisian Doctor Maxime Meyer that happiness is only at Saint-Loin-la-Mauderne! This movie is the french remake of the Canadian movie 'la Grande Seduction'


This is the story of four French friends: the Greek (an osteopath), Fifi (who lives with his mother), Fortuné (a West Indian) and Freddy (a gambler). They meet up regularly at a Parisian bookmakers’, their favourite haunt. Tired of frittering away the little spare cash they have, they agree to give up gambling. But no sooner have they taken this pledge than Fate intervenes, in the guise of the turf king, Monsieur Paul. The latter persuades the four friends to buy a champion racehorse, not knowing that it is in fact an old nag…


Samy moves from the underdeveloped crime-ridden French suburb to the riches of Neuilly.


Description : Set in the American Wild West, this French-language film quickly overcomes its dire beginning--the Native American ambush of a group of immigrants--and becomes an enjoyable comedy. When the adults of Big City leave for the ambush site, the children realize they are all alone and in charge. With a cast composed almost entirely of young people...


En 1988, alors que tout le monde rêvait d'aller faire fortune en Amérique, Johnny Leclerc, lui, ne rêvait que de devenir petit épicier en Algérie. Voici l'histoire de sa réussite !


A Fleury-Mérogis, un match de foot a lieu dans la cour de prison. Tibor Kovacs, un jeune Hongrois, fait des prodiges avec le ballon. Véritable virtuose du football, il rêve de jouer en équipe de France. Pour Manu, son compagnon de cellule, Tibor est un cadeau du ciel. A la veille de leur sortie de prison, les deux compères décident d'unir leurs destins : Tibor deviendra le plus grand joueur du mon
