Pietro Carloni

A fairy tale of the misadventures of a beautiful but temperamental Neapolitan peasant, Isabella, when she meets the ill- tempered Spanish Prince Rodrigo Ferrante y Davalos. The King of Spain has ordered Rodrigo to choose a wife among seven Italian Princesses, but he is smitten by the lowly peasant.


A group of Italians take a flight to Sweden: among them there are the tourists, and the immigrants.


Mark Antony recalled to Rome from Alexandria by Ottavio wants him to marry his sister Octavia, Fulvia lawful wife is kidnapped by replacing it with Totonno brother, who looks like him as a drop of water. Totonno must be but here in Egypt Cleopatra mistreats the point of being sentenced to death but was pardoned Marc Antony returned. Octavius ​​declares war on Egypt, Mark Antony and Totonno dies take his place back at the side of Octavia in Rome served by Cleopatra who made ​​his slave.


Four petty criminals pretend to be friars escaped from communist Hungary and go and live in a Sicilian convent


Alvaro is been in jail and so he consider himself the most fit to lead his three friends Mario, Otello and Spartaco. The four young men decide to start a business. They need only a van to start a transport company. But they lack the money. How can they get it?


A demon bestows on a self-righteous working photographer's camera the power to smite from the Earth "evil-doers".


A combination of a satire on war and a comedy with war as the background. It tells of the ordinary people living on a Naples sidestreet, from 1940 to 1950 under the dominance of the Fascists, the Nazis and then the Allies occupation forces. Primary among the citizens is Gennaro Iovine (Eduard De Filippo)who has a penchant for innocently getting into trouble, and his friend Pasquale (Toto.) The latter is a rail-sweeper who becomes a professional stand-in...a corpse used to conceal contraband...serving jail time for those who don't care to spend the time to do the time...a substitute at a political rally when violence threatens the scheduled speaker


Esposito is a thief who cons tourists in Rome. A lengthy persecution by police Bottoni, who manages to catch it starts. In an oversight Esposito manages to flee again. Bottoni superiors inform him that if no catches him will lose his job.
