Pietro Turano

Sana is divided between the Islamic religion, which requires her to marry another Muslim, and the love for Malik, who no longer practices Islam. In the path that accompanies her and all her friends towards "maturity", both scholastic and personal, Sana experiences an inner crisis from which she will emerge better, letting herself go to love, but without giving up her religion.

Eleonora is in a troubled relationship with Edoardo, who had a flirtation with her friend Silvia. Eleonora, marked by the almost total absence of her parents, will discover that Edoardo too has a difficult past, and what could separate them will unite them definitively.

Is there an alternative to the choices that lead each of us towards a destiny that is already written? Or is destiny only what we have decided for our end? In the words of a poem by Charles Bukowsky (Class), this is the story of that instant, a single moment, in which an intelligent thought gives life to an "absolute truth", that very truth that makes us free individuals capable of defeating death of thought and personal annihilation.

Martino, comes out and falls in love with Niccolò, who is engaged in a heterosexual relationship and suffering from borderline personality disorder. Martino also has to deal with a dramatic family situation.