Pio Zamuner

Documentary about the trajectory of Antônio Polo Galante, known as "The King of Boca". The film maps work and forms of production in Boca do Lixo, popular area in Luz neighborhood located downtown São Paulo, where usually night clubs and sexual services establishments were located.

(The Erotic Life of Cain and Abel) Pornochanchada, which tells the story of the beginning of time in the "paradise" of Eden. With the participation of Deus (voiceover) and the snake of the Tree of Life (hilariously performed by Fernando Benini).

In the hunt for votes, two farmers do everything to be elected mayor in a interior town. The colonels, Liborio and Afonso have religious communities and use the spaces to influence the upcoming elections.


The loves and life of a beautiful Brazilian Indian woman.


Gostoso is the conductor of a female band formed only by old women. When scouring the garbage dump, he becomes the main suspect of a robbery after his wife finds a small bag of jewels, having to do everything to prove her innocence.


Jeca has to face a rich farmer woman that wants his love. At the same time, his wife seems to be possessed by the Devil. Made after the huge success of 'The Exorcist', Mazzaropi created his version of the Blockbuster.


Pirola is a poor guy who lives with his son Ze in a hovel on his boss's farm. One day, Pirola is surprised by the visit of an old friend who, feeling that the hour of his death approaches, decides to present him with a bag full of money.


Sabino, born Portuguese, has lived in Brazil since he was a child. He has a twin brother who lives in Lisbon and writes inviting him to go to Portugal.


Polidoro is a naive farmer. Convinced by his daughter and son-in-law, he sells his farm to Agenor, a swindler and friend of his son-in-law. Through a trap, Polidoro travels to Bariloche while his farm is sold illicitly to third parties.


Inácio Pororoca is responsible for the local mail in an old west town. One day there comes bandit João Bigode, who kills the sheriff and puts Inácio on his place, just for fun. But Inácio takes his post seriously, and soon the bandits realize they've made a mistake.


The police mobilize their resources to capture Nenê Bandalho and, while he tries to escape, he remembers some of his life's most important episodes.


Betão is a countryman who works in a circus, selling peanuts. His daughter also works there, and becomes the circus's greatest attraction. But she decides to marry a rich man, and another circus comes to town, putting his employment in danger.


Countryman J.K. gets annoyed and quits his job on a farm when his boss sends his pet cow to a slaughterhouse in town. In search of the animal, J.K. goes to the city and, there, is harassed by several single women.


A young man in his early 30's ponders the state of his life while dealing with three women - his sister, his new girlfriend and his lover.


After their relative and associate runs way, the Naves brothers inform the police of the incident, who end up arresting them under the accusation of murdering the missing person. The brothers are tortured in order to confess a crime they did not commit while their wives are raped.


Joaquim (Raul Cortez) becomes crazy and convinces himself that he is the messiah incarnated. With the desperate support of his miserable village, he will start a holy terror movement.


Based on the novel by Franklin Távora, the film follows the adventures of a father and a son in 18th century Brazil.
